‹ Prequel: Don't Love Me

Let's End This Before We Fall

Everything Happens For A Reason

The car had barely stopped before the door was open and three boys had tumbled from the back. Frankie followed his brothers, sidestepping their rigid forms and inspecting the house they had arrived at.

It wasn't as gorgeous as the Weldm's mansion, but it was magnificent all the same. The house was tall and had deep brown-red bricks, and without hesitating Frankie strode up the steps and rapped on the door with his knuckles.

His brothers weren't quite as confident and crept up the stairs, lagging behind Big Rob, who stood immediately in front of the door.

The music was very loud from here, but as soon as the door opened it hit them with a blast and Big Rob blinked at the intensity and the figure of a teenage girl with half her clothes missing.

"Are... are you the pizza guy? Do ya' have my pizza's?" she stumbled over her words, for her tongue didn't seem to want to cooperate, and Big Rob took a look behind her before thinking about a reply.

The room immediately behind the girl was a living room, and it was packed with people who couldn't move a finger without touching somebody. As the song changed to something even louder than the one before a surge went through the crowd and people began to spill out of the house, pushing the girl forward. She stumbled and then gagged, and Joe, Kevin, Frankie and Nick immediately stepped back, while Big Rob grabbed her and steadied her.

"Thanks mate. You know what, come in! But when you do get my pizzas, they're free..." she fell back into the crowd before finishing her syllable and Big Rob looked back at the boys behind him,.

"Stay close to me. Don't do anything stupid."

The boys shuffled behind him, pressing against the wall and as close to Big Rob as they could be, because he seemed to part the way without any problem.

"Daphne!" Joe's shout could be heard over the loud music and suddenly a girl with vibrant blond hair turned around.

"Joe... Jonas? Well, howwdayy!"

Joe squinted and grabbed her by the shoulders, "Daphne, you're falling over, are you drunk? Daphne, Daphne, where's Blake?"

The girl grabbed a cowboy hat from a boy behind her, and grinned, "Shoo, she don't wanna see you, Joe, ya' broke her heart!"

"Why are you talking like you're a cowboy? Aren't you from Chicago?"

"Born and raised, partner!" she replied, swinging her shirt from her finger. Joe looked down and covered his eyes, looking away awkwardly at his brothers and bodyguard. Kevin looked almost horrified, Nick and Frankie shrugged helplessly but Big Rob came foreward.

"Hi, Daphne, I need to find Blake desperately. Did you happen to see if she went anywhere?"

Daphne smiled charmingly and gestured to the left, "Bedroom. I think she went with Lucas. He's sooo cute!"

Before she could register it, all five of them had turned away and she was thrust back into a crowd, a boy mauling her body with his.

As soon as the boys all reached the hallway they sighed, for the door did wonders and they weren't being attacked by the music anymore.

"Where's Frankie?" Nick asked suddenly, and Big Rob flung the door open again, immediately spooting Frankie swooning over a blond haired girl unbottoning her shirt slowly.

"Frankie!!" he roared, and in a second the boy was next to him, looking slightly intimidated but mostly smirking.

"I just wanted to see how she put on that shirt."

"Shutup." Joe snapped, grabbing his hand and pulling him up the stairs, dreading seing Blake, yet needing to find her as soon as possible.

A grunt made him look up and he squeaked, for there pressed against the wall, her legs wrapped around a blond boy's waist, shirt half ridden up her body, was Blake.

Her lips were glued to the boys, her hands tugging at his hair, and suddenly she slipped a little and she caught a glipse of him through her hair.

"Joey! Baby, I missed you!" Joe jumped as she detatched herself from the boy, who looked a little dazed, and she threw her arms around him.

"Nick! You got so hot! I want you..." she wrapped her arms around Nick, but suddenly fell in a heap and looked up at Kevin and Frankie, her eyes half closed and she half-smiled, "Kev-o! Frank the Tan... so cute..." and suddenly she was passed out, lying upside down on the staircase.

Joe looked up angrily, but lucky for him, the boy had dissapeared and he looked back down at Blue.

"She's crazy intoxicated. Let's get her upstairs." Big Rob said reasonably.

Nick hesitated and grabbed her left arm while Kevin held her right, and Big Rob grabbed her legs and they hoisted her up into the first bedroom. Frankie held the door open and Joe entered after the others, staring blankly at the girl that he had loved.

Did he love her now? Was this - her drunk and making out with some guy - was it his fault?

"Why would she do this?" Kevin spoke for the first time in a long time and Frankie sat next to Blue, brushing her hair off her face.

What once had been flawless was now dirty and tired. Her eyes were surrounded by rings, and her skin was pale. Her hair was stringy and brown streaks were patterned on her face, neck, and arms.

"Guys... I think you deserve to know." All the boys looked at Joe, who spoke quietly and solemnly. "I... I acted like a terrible brother, and immoral friend, Nick. I did such bad things... and I could never tell you because when Blake left I was miserable, and I knew I shouldn't be."

His miniature speech had captured the attention of the others in his room and Big Rob swallowed nervously, almost predicting what Joe was going to say and dreading if it could possibly be true.

"Nick, when we were on tour with Blake I started to like her... and before you started dating her I kissed her. Just once! And I didn't do anything about it, I just sort of left, and then you two started dating. And I... I couldn't help it. I liked her so much, and I wasn't sure if you were over Miley... I couldn't stay away from her.

"It became a regular thing. I'd corner her and kiss her. And It got to her, I just couldn't see it. And... you kept on dating. I thought maybe you'd have a epiphany and break up, and I needed a reason to be mad, and when we found out Blake's... secret, I snapped." He gulped several times, looking down and resuming his truth once again. "It wasn't like she should have told us with me attacking her like I did, but I needed a reason to be mad! And I couldn't stop... I couldn't apologise - it would never be normal again - and everytime I wanted to say sorry something else would come out of my mouth... and I told that magazine." Suddenly a loud sob broke through his speech and everybody closed their eyes, realizing that Joe - funny, loud, sweet, nice, Joe - was crying while telling them this.

"And when everybody knew and then you cheated - I guess it broke her and she left... and it was my fault, it was always my fault, but I could never tell... I couldn't admit it."

Joe didn't look up to see the expression on his friend's faces. He was ashamed and stifled a cry as he dug his nails into his jeans.

There wasn't anything to be said. Nick quietly stood up, his face contorting in anger and pain, and left. After a moment, Frankie left as well and Kevin followed, ushering him out the door.

Big Rob got up and wrapped his arms around Joe, hauling his carefully to the bed were Blake was lying, and set him down next to her.

"I understand man. It's love, and they'll see it too." He said in a soft voice, pulling out his phone to tell Nick to wait in the car with his brothers. "It was unavoidable. Everything happens for a reason
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