‹ Prequel: Don't Love Me

Let's End This Before We Fall

Not His Best Work

There was a hoard of nervous boys littering the Blake's family mansion's living room. In reality there were only three, and they were beyond nervous, but as they sat on the loveseat they maintained their boy band look. All three had happy eyes and their mouths were turned up the slightest bit at the corner as if they had something to smile about.

A elegant looking man swept into the room, his face composed and calm. The boys - while still putting up a happy image - couldn't help but feel horribly fake next to the man who looked so surreal.

"Miss Weldm is unconditionally busy, and is unavailable. She wishes to rearrange a appointment on another date." he said professionally, his accent so thick they could hardly understand him.

"Are... are you absolutely sure she can't see us today?" Nick asked, hesitating as he stood to address the man.

"As I have told you, she really can't see you." Was his sharp reply, and Nick sat down, looking at his hands shamefully.

"What other time is available for her?" Kevin took the stand for Nick, politely questioning the man.

His eyes narrowed on Kevin, making him feel insignificant, but he replied, "Monday at seven in the evening."

Kevin and Nick shared a glance, for Monday was six days away. "There isn't a sooner time?"

"No." was the curt reply.

After a moment when neither of the boys said anything Nick spoke again, "We'll take it. Thank you for your help."

A swift nod and suddenly they were being escorted out, Kevin turned to say something but words failed him as he found the door being slammed in his face.

"Now what?" Nick asked after a moment, and Kevin managed a small smile and gestured toward the car.

"Now, we wait till Monday." he said finally, pulling out the car keys. Joe hadn't approached the car and he shot him a questioning glance.

"I'll walk guys." Was his simple answer and Nick slid in the car, his face twisting as he heard his brother's voice.

Kevin offered a half-smile but Joe wasn't watching him, so he sighed and plopped into the driver's seat, closing the door soundly and watching Joe through the windshield before driving off.

Joe stared after the car till it roved around a bend then turned, looked over the house suspiciously, then slinked around to the back.

For a moment he stopped, stunned by the beauty of the Weldm estate. Trees flanked the house, far enough away so that a courtyard of flowers and a elegant swing-set could rest there comfortably. His eyes fell on a point sticking up from the treetops and he realized in wonder - could that be a gazebo?

And then for the first time he noticed that if he walked anymore to the left he'd drown.

The house was built on wooden pegs half over a lake, and Joe had to resist touching the clear blue water and instead turned around to look at the back of the house.

The walls were still the faded white color, and his eyes trained into a balcony, where a figure was standing completely still.

He squinted, trying to make out if it was who he was looking for, this didn't look like the girl with the glowing skin and twinkling eyes, her shiny hair and fun attitude. Then Joe caught a flash of the Blake he had seen the night before, sick-looking and dirty and he gasped silently, because even if he didn't recognize her, that was Blake.

He looked around frantically, searching for a way up, but was met with thin, weak looking vines and smooth, tall walls. He gave up his search and settled for looking up and calling, "Blake! Blake, please talk to me."

The figure on the balcony jumped then looked backwards into her house, then slowly casted her gaze downward, looking startled as her eyes met Joe's.

"Blake, I know you hate me right now, but I have to talk to you. I did terrible things, and I can't say sorry enough, I know that. But I... need... you..." He trailed off as Blake turned and flew into her room, banging the glass door shut so loudly he was sure the glass would shatter.

But the glass stayed intact and ten minutes later she hadn't come back out, so Joe turned and walked to the end of her driveway, feeling numb.

He knew it'd be hard, but this hard? She hadn't even heard him out, and they had taken her home when she's passed out yesterday night.

He rubbed his temple, feeling like he might be struck my lightning coming from the cloudless sky, but no random bolts shot at him and he continued his trudge, remembering her startled look.

He had fallen so hard for her, and his stupid hormonal ways had ruined it all. He had broken her, and now he couldn't even find the pieces, let alone put her back together.

He had screwed up, big time.
♠ ♠ ♠
See, moderately consistent chapters - I'm really trying to update more often.

So, the least you could do is;


