‹ Prequel: Don't Love Me

Let's End This Before We Fall

It Gets Better With The Weather

With the three brothers of Jonas relatively normal once again, the family as a whole began to spend more time with each other. Time passed quickly as the learned things about one another that they hadn't shared in the past couple of years. Six days flew by in no time.

If the boys thought they were nervous, they had no idea how Blake felt.

"Unbelievable. I dread three o'clock with a passion - how could it have sprung up on me?" Blake paced in front of her butler, tossing clothes onto her bed and floor, "Damn - five years being a fashion icon and I have no idea what to wear. That's my hellish career down the drain." she began to mutter bitterly under her breath,

"May I make a suggestion?" the tall man maneuvered his way through the piles of clothes.

"Certainly, Henry. Suggest away." Blake was so fed up with the thought of dressing if Henry had told her she'd look good in overalls she would have worn them.

Of course, she didn't have anything quite as trashy as overalls in her wardrobe.

Henry emerged from the catacombs of her closet holding a white button-up oxford shirt and faded light blue skinny jeans. "Pair these up with a black heel and you'll stun them, yet still look like you didn't try."

"Why didn't I think of that? Marvelous, you are. Thanks a million!"

"Of course, miss."

While Joe, Nick and Kevin didn't have personal help to assist them, they were very fashion forward themselves.

Plus, they had a perfectionist mother.

"You boys look great! Joe - fix your collar!" her sweet smile returned as her middle son petted down his shirt.

"Ready, guys?" Big Rob stood at the door, dressed in a smart black suit. He would be driving them this time, for the boys felt Blake's butler might try to deny them seeing Blake.

Not that Big Rob would be able to do much.

"Don't screw it up again." Frankie scorned them, smirking from his seat on the couch. His mother smacked the back of his head.

His brothers grinned nervously at each other and pranced out the door, following their bodyguard to his SUV.

Kevin leaned back in his seat, stretching his arms up and scratching the fabric ceiling of the car. Joe was sitting casually, although his body was tense and his face set. Nick stared out the window, not feeling any particular urge to speak to his brothers, and instead dwelling on what he was going to say.

"Everybody makes mistakes, and when I was young I made a lot. I'm sorry I hurt you... but if I can forgive Joe, maybe you could forgive me?"

No, that was too demanding. She'd slam the door right in his face. Nick sighed and ran a hair through his hair, ruffling it up and then patting it back down.

Too soon the car had stopped and Joe was holding the door open, Nick slipped out and the two looked at each other and hugged, holding their breaths at the silent message that both were thinking.

They separated and Nick stepped in front of Joe and led the way up the steps of the classy home, all of them jumping as the door opened before Big Rob could even ring the doorbell.

The same butler from last week stood there, though not looking quite as menacing as he had before, "Welcome, to Weldm Manor."
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actually, I wrote this a long time ago, I just posted it now though. I update Fame next, and I promise, I will not keep you guys waiting too long.
