‹ Prequel: Don't Love Me

Let's End This Before We Fall

If This Has Happened Before, Tell Me

After moving back the England, Blake had found it hard to adjust. She constantly had to remove the sunglasses she unconsciously put on, and began running every time someone said her name. She had went from well-known celebrity to small-town nobody.

And then there were relationships to be fixed. Her butler, Henry, welcomed her back with no questions or curiosity, and for that she was thankful. Her father, on the other hand, was bitter from her lack of keeping in touch. In the first year she had won his reluctant affection back, and managed to keep Connor at bay by acting as upbeat as possible.

Connor had even been enrolled in school. Now in 7th grade, he was very popular and still a uncommonly insightful boy.

Daphne had come to visit seven times a year, and just two months ago left from her nineteenth visit. All these visits were only possible because of Blake's abundant wealth.

None of this was in the Jonas boy's knowledge. As they searched the fair for Blake - though none of them would admit that was what they were doing - all they knew was that nothing would be right while Blake was a victim. She just had to forgive them, and of her own will, as well. Mostly they just wanted her to feel better, though a more selfish part of them wanted her to forgive them and come home.

They weren't sure how difficult that would be, but they were sure it wouldn't be a piece of cake.

On the other hand, Blake had not thought about the boys once, a feat she was immensely proud of. At dinner her father and her had seriously discussed the mechanics of the British navy's firearms, then Blake had paid for the meal and her father had excused himself to sleep early. He had a important meeting about the extension of the local railroad in the early morning, and Blake headed off to the carnival alone.

For some, being alone at the fair might be slightly intimidating, and without a doubt Blake was already bored, and as she rounded the corner to trash her soft pretzel, she found that maybe it wouldn't be quite so boring any longer.

For by rounding that corner, she found herself face to face with Kevin Jonas, who was flanked by his two brothers.

"Yes!" A hiss came from Kevin and he slapped his hand over his mouth, smiling sheepishly at her.

She gave him a strange smile, letting it drop away quickly. Kevin's smile fell away as well, and Nick and Joe didn't even bother attempting to smile.

While that might be thought strange, anybody who had been following the Jonas family's acts over the last three years would understand that Nick and Joe had suffered a lot mentally over that time. Blake had made a larger impact than they had thought, and they had analysed every moment they had ever spent with her over and over to the point of going senile.

Blake was so surprised, she dropped her soft pretzel and jumped as it hit her foot. She stumbled as she landed uncomfortably on her heel, and six hands grabbed at her to help her. She stepped away quickly, and the boys recoiled their hands.

"I-I-er... I've got to go. Bye." she stuttered, turning and running back the way she came.

Even if they had wanted to follow her, they could not have because she disapeared almost immediately in the crowds.

Nick sighed, rubbing his forehead. He just wanted to chase her. He could remember, actually, the last time he had wanted to chase after her and hadn't done it. He hadn't seen her again, till the day before. He stepped forward, knowing that he regretted it last time he hadn't chased, and he would this time as well. But, as he scanned the crowds, he realized it was too late.

"Fuck." he whispered. Neither of his brothers flinched, but he knew they had heard him.

He regretted not chasing this time, as well.
♠ ♠ ♠
I apologize, for this late chapter, and tried to make it as long as possible in my time limit. I just remembered how much writing makes me happy, and I'll be sure to do it again.

Please comment, otherwise you'll never get another update.

Rags :)