Threshhold to Violence Re-Opens


'They said all
Teenagers scare the living shit out of me
They could care less as long as someone'll bleed
So darken your clothes, or strike a violent pose
Maybe they'll leave you alone but not me'

This was the song Jenny's mom could here blasting from all the way from the fourth story of the house. Jenny, obviously, was a fan of My Chemical Romance. Her mom hated the music and said that it was putrid. But that didn't stop Jenny from listening to it. My Chemical Romance saved her life and she was proud of the great music they had created.

'I am not afraid to keep on living
I am not afraid to walk this world alone
Honey, if you stay I'll be forgiving
Nothing you can say can stop me going home'

John's dad could hear it all the way down at the garage. He didn't know how John had amped his stereo to be that loud. John used to listen to music on loud and you would have to walk up to the second story to even be able to hear it. But ever since he started listening to My Chemical Romance, you could be two blocks away and hear it as clear as whistle.

'Well if you wanted honesty, that's all you had to say.
I never want to let you down or have you go, it's better off this way.
For all the dirty looks, the photographs your boyfriend took,
Remember when you broke your foot from jumping out the second floor?

I'm not okay
I'm not okay
I'm not okay
You wear me out

Becca's mom rubbed her temples and closed her eyes. Ever since Becca started listening My Chemical Romance, her mom had been getting more and more headaches. Her mom could not understand or figure out what had caused Becca to start listening to it. But it seems more and more that Becca's mom tells her to turn it down, she turns it up louder. And neighbors complain tons everyday because it's so loud.

These three kids are some of the victims to suicide. Why? And what caused them to do such a thing?