Threshhold to Violence Re-Opens

Chapter 9

-Narrator's POV-

'Dear mom,
I know I've been driving you nuts with my music. But you don't have to worry about it now because I don't even remember who I was listening to. I don't even think the people I was listening to even existed. The only music I have is country and I'm not a big fan of it. So I'm going to end your headaches and heartaches and just remember my famous last words... I love you mom. XOXO Jenny'

This was the note Jenny's mom found a few morning's have the disappearances. Jenny's mom fell back on her daughter's bed. She sighed and stopped crying.

Jenny's mom got up and walked to her daughter's bathroom and screamed. Her daughter was on the floor surrounded by a blood puddle. She looked at the mirror and say four words written in blood. 'So long and goodnight' ....

I'm sorry for everything except for this. I don't know who I was listening to. But whoever it was made me feel like I wasn't alone. You never spent time with me and the band I listened to let me know that it was ok to be messed up and that I wasn't alone. All the CD's I have are of rock artists I barely ever listened to. But I know where I'll end up .. I'll be walking down Cemetery Drive. xo John-John'

John's dad found that on his laptop on top of John's smashed up stereo. John's dad's heart wrenched and his eyes burned with tears. He came up to ask his son if he wanted to go play some pool and head to the movies. But he knew it was too late.

He walked out to the garage and looked at his car. He had just finished it and wanted to take it out for a test drive. He kicked the tire and slammed his fist on the hood. That's when he noticed a red spot on the back seat. He looked back there and got sick. There his son was ... blood all around him and soaked up into the seats. He looked at the window on the opposite side and read it. 'I'm not afraid to walk this world alone'.

I'm not sorry for anything I ever caused you. I can't help it my music gave you headaches. It just .... made me feel like I was ... well ... worth something. You always made me feel like I was just rubbish. And I couldn't take it any longer. I love you mom. I do. But I don't think you loved me. And if you did .. you sure didn't show it. Give all my CD's to Maddie. She would love to have them. I don't want you to forget about me. I love you. OXOX Becca'

Becca's mom dropped the note that was on the fridge. She started crying. She didn't even know her daughter felt that way. 'Why didn't she tell me?' her mom thought.

She walked upstairs to her daughter's room and clenched her stomach. There Becca was .. on the floor .. puddle of blood around her. She walked over to the bed and just stared at her dead daughter. She noticed something on her white walls .... written in her daughter's blood... 'I'm not okay .. I'm not okay ... I'm not okay ... you wear me out.'