Threshhold to Violence Re-Opens

Chapter 10

-Ray's POV-

I walk into the back room and saw someone move. "Hey, you ok, dude?" I asked as I pulled the guy up. He turned around and looked to be around thirty-five years old.

"Whoa! Who the hell are you?" he asked forcing himself against the wall behind him.

"I'm Ray Toro. I'm in a band that is mostly gone and me and a friend of mine are trying to make this moron bring them back," I said as I walked toward him. He kind of jumped. "Hey, don't worry. I know I look like I'm about to kill someone, I'm just having a bad time right now. The only person .. or persons .. I'm going to lay my hands on to hurt are the people who sent my good friends away."

"It was a kid named Sebastian .. wasn't it?" the guy said as he walked toward me.

"Yeah .. but how ..." I started before he interupted.

"He sent me away. I'm his father," he said. He stuck out his hand and smiled and said, "I'm Sam."

"Nice to meet you, dude. But why would he send you away?" I asked as I shook his hand. I immediately pull away and shake my head.

"You ok?" he asked as he looked at me.

"Umm, yeah. I'm fine," I said as I gave him an assuring look.

"Yeah, I wouldn't give him tickets to a Smashing Pumpkins concert and he sent me away," he said as he sighed. We shrugged and walked out. When we got out there everyone looked up. Sebastian met eyes with Sam and stayed like that.

"D-D-Dad?" he stuttered as he walked over to him.

"Hey Sea-Bass," Sam said as he smiled. Sebastian looked down and smiled.

"I've waited so long to hear that," Sebastian said as he embraced his father.

"That's his dad?" Mikey whispered to me as he pointed toward Sam.

"Yeah," I said as we looked at them and the at each other and shrugged. "Hey, techie, how many people did you send away before our three people?" I asked as he let go of his father and looked toward me.

"My father was the only person. And I felt bad for doing it," he said as he looked toward his father. "I'm sorry, dad."

"Ahh, don't worry about it. I can't blame you." Sebastian smiled and walked over to the counter.

"Ok, my little techie man, do your stuff and get this over with. I don't need anymore teens killing themselves because of this," I said as I rubbed my hands and looked at the counter. I saw a clicky pen and looked around suspiciously. I picked it up and put it at my side and started clicking it.

"What's that sound?" the old guy said. They all looked around and Mikey saw me making the noise.

"It's him. He got hold of a clicky pen," Mikey said as he pointed at me. I stuck out my tongue and raised up the pen and clicked faster.

"Ok afro-man, you got to stop. I need concentration and quiet," Sebastian said as I stopped. He started cocentrating and I clicked it once. He looked at me. I smiled. And that continued to happen for about five minutes. "Ok, someone take the pen from him," Sebastian said as Mikey walked over to me and grabbed the hand that had the pen.

We tugged and pulled and the other three laughed. Mikey finally gave up and I walked outside and laughed. I stuck the pen in my pocket and walked back in. "You good?" Mikey said as he looked at me.

"Yeah, I'm good," I said as I flipped my hair and sat down. "Do your stuff, techie!" I said as I clapped.

Five minutes later there was another 'thump!' in the back room. "Ow! Mikey! Help me!" the person said. Mikey and I gave a high five and he ran back there.