Threshhold to Violence Re-Opens

Chapter 16

-Bob's POV-

I stand there for a moment and turn around and look at the guy. He glared at me I stood there and smiled. "Hey, how you doing?" I said casually.

"What the hell is wrong with you? I have a gun pointing at you and you're ... not ... scared?" he said, sounding confused.

"Why should I be?" I said as I headed toward the door again then stopped. "Oh and by the way, dude. You really can't scare anyone with a water pistol painted black. I tried once and it didn't take long for the Way brothers to realize it was a water pistol. And I used one just like the one you have." I smiled again and nodded my head a bit. "Take care now, okay?" I then walked out the door and heard people chuckling as I did.

-Time Elapse-

I finally got back to the shop thing and walked in. I handed Frank a coffee and his eyes widened. "Bob, I .... LOVE .. you!!!" he said as he jumped up and kissed my cheek.

"Okay, okay. You love me you love me," I said as I pushed him away and handed everyone else a coffee. They mumbled their thanks and whatnot and drank it.

-Narrator's POV-

As the band was waiting for Sebastian to bring Gerard back, Frank and Ray were having a heated discussion about whether Skittles or M&M's were better.

"Frank, everyone in the entire solar system knows M&M's are a hundred times better," Ray said as he crossed his arms and shifted his weight to his right foot.

"Poor, poor, Ray. You're so confused. How can someone like something that tastes the same? Don't get me wrong, baby, M&M's are good. But Skittles, oh my damn, SKITTLES are fucking great. And each color tastes completely different from each other. Put some damn variety in your life," Frank said as he smiled a little. "If you do, I might be nice enough to give you a cookie."

"Just give me a cookie and act like this conversation never happened," Ray said as he grinned.

"Whatever," Frank said as he sat back in his chair and slumped.


"Haha, blood. How great," was heard from the back room.