Threshhold to Violence Re-Opens

Chapter 17

-Narrator's POV-

Frank seemed to be the only one who heard the voice in the back room and no one else payed attention. "Excuse me, I got to use the bathroom," he said as he grabbed his package and ran for the bathroom. Luckily, the backroom was right next to the bathroom. He walked in and looked around for a moment. "Gee? You there?" he whispered.

"Frankie .... help me up," he mumbled. He was on his knees when Frank spotted him. Frank walked over to him and saw he had the outfits and his clothes and Bob's cell. Frank grabbed all of it and hung it up and placed the cell in his pocket. He then grabbed Gerard by his arms and Gerard stumbled to his feet for a moment.

"You okay? You look exhausted," Frankie said as he dusted Gerard off a bit.

"You want more don't you?" Gerard said in a kinda horny kinda tired tone.

"Maybe later when you've rested and no one is around. There's pretty much a full house out there," Frank said as Gerard put his arm around Frank's neck for balance.

They started toward the main lobby area and when they got there, everyone's head turned. "GEE!!!" Mikey squealed.

"Mikey, don't be rough. He's tired and weak. Oh, and Bob," Frank said as he pulled Bob's cell out. "Here's your cell. You dropped it." Frank tossed Bob his cell and walked Gerard to the nearest booth. "Here you go, Gee."

"Thanks, Frankie. I owe you one," Gerard said as he yawned.

"Don't worry about it. You don't need to do anything," Frank said as he lightly massaged Gerard's back. "You're a great person you know that Gerard?"

"No, I'm not. I was a drunk. How can I be a great person?" he said, sounding like he was about to cry. Frank pulled up a nearby chair and put his hand on Gerard's knee.

"Gerard. Listen to me. Yeah, you were a drunk, but that's in the past and no one cares about what you were. You know how many people look up to you as a hero? Probably thousands. Gerard, remember you have people who care about you. Your fans and your friends. Not to mention your family. Especially Mikey," Frank said as tears formed in his eyes. "You got me and Bob and Ray, too. Don't give up, Gee."

Gerard placed his hand on the back of Frank's head. The blood had dried on it so it wasn't going all over Frankie's neck. "You're right, Frank. You are so fucking right. I'm just exhausted and hurting so much that I forgot about what's going on around me." Gerard then lightly kissed Frank on the lips and placed his forehead on Frank's shoulder. "I guess I get scared sometimes because I think people are giving up or going to give up on me."

"You know that won't happen, Gerard. We would never and could never give up on you. You're what holds this band together. Now, come on. You need to get back to the hotel and get some rest. We have a concert in a week," Frank said as he smiled and stood up. He reached out his hand and Gerard grabbed it.

"Thanks, Frankie. You are one of a kind," Gerard said as he smiled weakly and stood up.

"I know, that's why people love me," Frank stated and they both laughed. They walked out the door and called a cab. It finally came and they drove off to a much needed slumber.