Threshhold to Violence Re-Opens

Chapter 19

-One week later. Twenty minutes before the concert- -Ray's POV-

We were setting up and slowly, people were coming in the arena. I tuned my guitar and set it on the stand. I see Gerard in the corner of my eye and turn to look at him. He looked depressed. "Hey, Gerard, what's wrong, man?" I said as I stood up and walked over to him.

"I can't believe everyone forgot who we were. I mean, come on. We were idolized. And I don't know why, but I loved that feeling. And right now, I don't feel that and it hurts inside," he said as he looked at me with tear-filled eyes.

"We all do, Gerard. We all do. Me and your brother have thought that maybe, just maybe, if we play some of the songs .. that .. the fans might come back to their senses and remember who we were. That they were probably brainwashed and were forced to forget us," I said as Gerard started thinking about it.

"Yeah, it's worth a shot," Gerard said as he nodded for a moment. He tested the microphone and the rest of the band came out. "You guys ready for this?" Gee asked as he looked from the guys to the jam-packed arena. The guys nodded and all took a deep breath. Frank and I grabbed our guitars and smiled. Bob grabbed his drum sticks and yawned. We all glanced at where Mikey was supposed to be, but he wasn't there.

"Gee," I whispered. He looked at me. "Where the hell is Mikey?" I asked as I nodded my head toward Mikey's bass. Gerard looked at it and went back stage.

-Gerard's POV-
I walked back stage and went to the backroom. And there was Mikey, making out with some random chick. "Umm, excuse me, my sweet, innocent baby brother. In case you have forgotten, we have a show to do in ten minutes. And we can't preform without the beloved bassist," I said as he pulled from the girl's lips and looked at me. "You have to practice. And if you don't use this time wisely to practice and make sure your bass is tuned, tonight, something will happen when you least expect it." I gave him a quick smile and walked out.

-Mikey's POV-
I watched my brother walk out and close the door behind him. "I'm sorry, Emily. I have to do this. We'll pick up after the show, ok?" I said as she smiled and nodded. She gave me a quick peck on the lips and got up. I stood up, put on my glasses, and walked out of the room.

When I got to the stage, I grabbed my bass made sure it was tuned and practiced for about five minutes. Gerard came on stage and looked at me. "Well, well, well. If it ain't lover boy," he said as he grinned.

"Shut up, Gerard," I said as I hooked my bass into the amp. Gerard looked at us all and mouthed 'ready?'. We all nodded and he again looked at us and mouthed 'I'm Not Okay (I Promise)'. We started playing and starting from the far back, people started cheering. Ray and I exchanged looks and smiled wide. People were beginning to remember us.

As we played, people were singing along and cheering and screaming 'We love you MCR!' and 'Frank I love you!' and things like that.

-Time Elapse-

-Narrator's POV-

The band played the show and were sitting on the couch in the back room and were exhausted. "Guys, that was awesome. People remember us again. I can't believe it," Ray said as he gave Mikey and Gerard a high five.

"I love this feeling! The feeling of being loved by hundreds!" Gerard said as he stood up and beat on his chest. He sat down and they all smiled at each other.

"Guys," Frank said as he yawned. "It's good to be back on top."