Threshhold to Violence Re-Opens

Chapter 20

-Narrator's POV-

The boys of My Chemical Romance woke up the next day feeling better than ever. Gerard had stopped by the man's shop to pick up the uniforms that Bob had found. When Gerard got back to the hotel room, the rest of the group was out like a light again. 'Must've needed more sleep than they thought,' Gerard thought to himself. He let out a little laugh and walked to the closet.

He picked out the uniform that was his size and put the rest on the closet. He reached into the pocket of the jacket and saw blonde hair dye. "I guess I'll be dying my hair after all," he said aloud to himself. He grabbed some scissors and some plastic gloves and headed to the bathroom.

Gerard looked in the mirror and stared at himself. He ran his fingers through his hair and said, "I'm gonna miss this hair." He took the scissors and started cutting.

About twenty minutes later he looked at himself and ran his hand over his head. "Man, I look strange now. But oh well, maybe the fans won't mind," he said, sighing. He put the plastic gloves on and opened the dye and started dying it blonde.

-Time Elapse- -Mikey's POV-

I woke up and looked at the clock. It was noon. I stared at the cieling and sighed. It was a long few months. But hell, it didn't matter. All that matters is that the band is fully together and that Gerard was safe. I mean, he was my brother and my best friend. I couldn't live without him.

I looked around the room. Frank, Ray, and Bob were still out. Gerard was nowhere to be seen. I glance at the bathroom and notice the door is closed. "Gee, you the bathroom?" I called.

"Yeah, I'll be out in about five," he said as I yawned. I got up, fixed my hair a little bit, put my shoes on and headed out the door. I got in the limo.

"Alright, Malcolm, I need to get to Starbucks. And pronto," I said as I closed the door. I looked at the front of the limo and I didn't see Malcolm. It was someone else. "Oh, umm, what happened to Malcolm?" I asked the man.

"He's on vacation. I'll be the new driver until he gets back. I'm Fred by the way. You must be Mikey?" he said looking at me.

"Yeah, three of the guys are asleep and my brother was busy doing something in the bathroom," I said as Fred started the engine.

"Ahh, Gerard. I always got you two confused. I have a niece who's obsessed with you guys and even though you two aren't twins. I always got you mixed up. You guys do look a like in a way." I laughed at that. We rarely ever got that.

"Yeah. We get that sometimes. A lot of people thinks Gerard looks like Green Day's frontman Billie Joe Armstrong. But oh well," I said as we headed toward the nearby Starbucks.

-Back at the hotel-
-Gerard's POV-

My hair dried and I looked myself in the mirror. I looked a lot different than before. But I guess change is good every now and again. I changed my clothes and got into the uniform. I walked out and looked in the full body mirror. "This is nice. This is real nice," I said.

A few minutes later, Mikey walks in with five coffees. I ran out when I smelled the aroma. He set the coffee on the table and said, "Oh, Gee, we got a sub driver until --" he started but stopped when he got a glimpse of me. "What in the hell happened? And where the fuck is my older brother?"

"What? You don't like it?" I said as I turned around and shoved my ass toward him. He laughed and I smiled.

"No. It looks nice actually. I hope you got one of those outfits for everyone because they'll love it when they see you wearing it. I already do," he said as he handed me a coffee and grabbed one for himself. "GUYS! COFFEE!" he screamed. The guys jumped up and Frank dove for the coffee.

"Gimme! Gimme! GIMME!" he said chaotically. He stood up and grabbed his out of my hand and took a sip. "I love you, Mikey," he said as he kissed my brother. He looked at me and his mouth dropped. "Damn!" was all he could say.

"Hey, guys, look at our beloved frontman," Mikey said as he and Frank moved. I posed and they clapped.

"If you want an outfit like this, just pay an ammount of $199.99 or for a better price of ABSOLUTELY FREE, look in the closet," I said as they all laughed.

-Time Elapse-
-Narrator's POV-

The guys were dressed and looked amazing. They headed down to the limo and got in. "Alright, Fred, to the interview," Mikey said.

"Fred?" the other four said in unison.

"Yeah. Malcolm is on a vacation and Fred's taking his place until he gets back. I met him this morning when I went to get the coffee." The band all nodded and sighed. They drove out of the parking lot and toward the site of the interview.