Threshhold to Violence Re-Opens

Chapter 2

The band just stood there as they watched their good friend fade more and more. "What are we going to about Bob? There's no other drummer like him. If there is, he's probably already taken," Mikey said.

"I don't know. But why is this happening now? It shouldn't be happening at all, actually," Gerard said as they turned to look at Bob, but he was already gone. "NOO!" Gerard said as they ran over to the drumset in which Bob was sitting at.

They all dropped to they're knees in shock. Gerard got up and walked slowly backstage. Then he muttered to himself, "We just started out, and now, we have to stop." Gerard stopped and turned around to face the others who were still in front of the drums. Fans had joined them and were putting black and red roses on the drums. Gerard then whispered, "Lost but never forgotten. We love you Bob. We're going to miss you." He then bowed his head and walked to the bathroom.

Mikey was the next one up. He bowed his head and said aloud, "Bob, we're going to miss you. You were our greatest drummer. You'll be lost, but never forgotten." Fans were crying. Mikey looked at one who no one was paying attention to and walked over to her. Her face was tear-stained badly.

"Why would even happen? Bob was such a great drummer," she said as she looked up Mikey and then went wide-eyed.

"I know, I know," Mikey said as a tear went down his face. They embraced each other and cried. Bob was the only one who had taught them not to take any shit, and now since he's gone, they don't know anymore.

Ray crawled to the nearest corner and brought his knees to his chest and rested his head on his knees as he started crying. No one has ever seen him cry before and now that Bob's gone, Ray's unleashing it all.

As for Frank, he was standing there, staring at the drums. He wasn't crying, there was absolutely no emotion on his face nor in his eyes. He was just .... blank. He sighed as looked around and saw none of his bandmembers. "Where is everyone?" he mumbled.

"FRANK!" he heard as he whirled around at the voice. He saw no one. He looked around and around and saw no one but crying fans. He then shrugged and looked down.

"What the--?" he said as he stared at his feet.

One fan looked at him and screamed.