Threshhold to Violence Re-Opens

Chapter 3

Ray looked up and buried his face again. 'No no not again. Not him, too,' he thought. Tears burned through this eyes and his stomach hurt. Mikey ran up to him and wrapped his arms around his neck. Mikey was crying as hard as Ray was. "Frank... no... no... not Frank.." was all Mikey could say.

Gerard walked out, black make-up down his face. When he saw Frank fading slowly more and more, he ran over to Mikey and Ray, and they clinged to each other. They look up at Frank and saw him mouth, 'I love you guys, don't forget me.' They nodded their heads and Frank was gone.

Twenty minutes later, after Bob's drums and Frank's guitar was covered in multi-colored roses, there was a scream of pain. Everyone who was there turned their heads to see a 19 year old girl laying on the ground. "What the--?" one guy said.

"It's started again," Gerard said.

"What do you mean by 'It started again' ?" one fan asked. Gerard looked at him, no emotion spread on his face nor in his eyes.

"We saved people from doing that, and now that two of the members have faded, the rest of us are probably going to fade as well, and now .. people are going to kill themselves because their heroes are slowly fading out of time," Gerard said as he saw six more people commit suicide.

Time went on and months turned into years. Gerard, Mikey and Ray were hanging out in front of Starbucks drinking their coffee. "It feels wierd drinking this stuff without Frank saying something to make you spit it out through your nose," Mikey said as he looked at his cup.

"Yeah, I know. And remember when he said something and Bob spit it through his nose and mouth at the same time?" Ray said as they let out a semi-laugh.

"Yeah. That was great," Gerard said as he sighed and took a drag of his cigarette. "I can't drink this. It's just not the same," he stated as he threw his coffee down. The others nodded and did the same thing.

As they talked about memories, they headed for their cars. At that moment, he couldn't move. He stood there, screaming. But the other two didn't hear him. He stood there trying to move but he couldn't. He just stood there. Slowly, very slowly, he began to fade.

The other two turned around when they noticed he wasn't talking. Their eyes widened as they ran over to him. They knew they couldn't do anything to stop it. Slowly, tears ran down their faces as they watched they friend fade.

Their fading friend said, or mouthed, 'Goodbye ... my friends'. And at that .. he vanished.