Threshhold to Violence Re-Opens

Chapter 5

The techie just stared at Mikey in fear. He wouldn't say another word. "Well... well what?" Mikey said through gritted teeth. The guy wouldn't answer. Slowly, Mikey began to lift the guy off the ground. The techie began to shake.

"Ok ok! Stop! I just send them to an alternate universe because I was trying to get back at him because of the concert," he stammered. Mikey just looked at him, very confused.

"What? What did Ray ever do to you?" Mikey asked as he slowly set the guy down, still clinging to his collar.

"He scared me, ok? I hate when people scare me. So I thought I'd get back at him by getting rid of the you and the other three just to freak him out," he said as he looked at Ray.

"I told you he was just having a bad night. He wasn't going to kill you or anything, he was mad at everybody. He scared us all that night, but we didn't do anything," Mikey said as he looked at Ray and back at the techie.

"Just bring Gerard and the others back, ok? Otherwise I will scare you then maybe even kill you," Ray said as he gave the glare again.

"I ... can't," he said as he looked at the ground.

"What do you mean you can't?" Ray said as he grabbed the techie from Mikey and lifted about four feet off the ground.

"I never found out how to bring anything ... or anyone back from where I sent them," he said even more shakey.

"You better fucking bring them back or you're going to see a side of me that no one has ever seen before. You understand me, you fuck," Ray said as brought him closer to his face. "And you definitely don't want that to happen. It makes even the most perfect unbreakable things break so bad that there never is a hoping chance for it to be redone. And I could kill you so fast it'll look like I didn't have to do a damn thing to even do it."

The techie was so scared of what Ray threatened him with that he started crying. Ray didn't feel bad or feel any guilt. It was the truth. He was furious on the inside and out because of what happened. He was close with each and every band member and it crushed him when they vanished.

"Techie dude, where did you learn all this vanishing mumbo jumbo shit at anyway?" Mikey asked calmy and curiously.

"It's right up the road," he said through tears.

"You think maybe since whoever works there taught you how to make people and things disappear that he or she could teach you to bring the person, or, in this case, persons back?"

"He might. I'm not sure," he said as he stopped crying. "By the way, my name's Sebastian, not techie dude."

"OK ... Sebastian ... lets go. We got some work to do. We got three people to bring back," Ray stated as he grabbed Sebastian by the wrist and walked up the street.