Threshhold to Violence Re-Opens

Chapter 6

-Narrator's POV-

When they got up to where the guy was talking about, Mikey looked at him and he looked exhausted. Ray looked up at the little shop-like store and his face went from calm to angry in a milli-second. "You little shit! What the fuck?" he screamed as he grabbed Sebastian by the collar. "You didn't bother to tell us it was shut down! What is fucking wrong with you?!" Ray screamed. He dropped Sebastian to the ground and fell to his knees from exhaustion, hunger, and dizziness. Sebastian tried to escape but Mikey grabbed him by his collar.

"You ain't going anywhere," Mikey said as he pushed Sebastian to the wall and glared at him. Sebastian just gulped and nodded. Mikey looked at Ray and saw him looking at the ground, tears covering part of the pavement. Ray looked up and ran his hands through this curls and looked at Sebastian.

"Care to tell me why you didn't bother to tell me that this damn shop thing had closed down? Hmm?" Ray said as he stood up and stood next to him and smiled a obvious fake smile.

"Uhh.." was all Sebastian said. Ray smiled again and sighed.

"Come on, techie," Ray said as he walked over to a car that wasn't there five minutes ago, though he was too upset to even take notice. "I want to know. You sent away some of my greatest friends. You ruined me. And you know what else," Ray said as he saw about 3 ambulance trucks rush by them.

"What?" Sebastian said as he gulped, ready for Ray to blow up in his face.

"You are the reason more and more people are killing themselves. Without My Chemical Romance, they have no heroes, no one to stop them. We are the reason they never did it. And now that My Chemical Romance is pretty much done for, they're done for. And it's ... all ... your ... fault," Ray said as he place his hands behind his back and walked toward him. "I could go to the cops and tell them what happened .. and then .. have them laugh in my face when I tell them that the three disappearances of the band members was actually a .. what? ... nineteen year old guy who sent them to a .. alternate universe? Yeah, won't work out so good. So you ... my techie friend ... will either bring my three great friends back, or, you will be six feet under faster than you can say 'Three Cheers for Sweet Revenge'."

"Ok ok. I learned it about ten years ago. The guy shut the place down not long after because I was the only one of all the students he had to exceed in the field. And since he was afraid that I would do something to him, he moved to Oakland, CA. and resides next to Billie Joe Armstrong of Green Day," he said.

The next thing heard is a door opening and shutting. Ray and Mikey turn around to see a guy who was about 70 maybe 75 years of age standing there. "Can I help you gentlemen?" he said calmly.

"Not unless you can teach this moron here how to bring three people from an alternate universe," Ray said in a kind tone. The man backed up and fell into his car, kind of shocked.

"Sebastian?" he said as he placed on his glasses. Ray immediately grabbed him.

"You can teach him to do that, can't you? CAN'T YOU?!"