
Complicated Characters

Name: Joanna Scott

Nicknames: JoJo


Personality: nice,sweet,smart,funny,good listener,the one everyone goes to for advice,great friend.

Family: Her older brother Drew,her parents died in a fire.Lives with Drew.

Crushes: None at this point.

Name: Drew Scott

Age: 21

Personality: smart,nice,caring,over protective of his sister.

Family:His little sister Jojo, his parents died in a fire.

Crush:Skyler Harrison

Name: Skyler Harrison

Nickname: Sky

Age: 19

Personality: same as Jojo's except she's louder and more outgoing.Jojo's best friend.

Family: Her parents are hardly home so she basically spends most of her time with Jojo.No siblings

Crush: Drew Scott

Name: Thomas Fiss

Age: 21

Personality: Sweet,funny,smart,caring.Drew's Best friend.

Family:Lives alone

Crush: Joanna Scott

Name: Hayden Christensen


Personality:sweet,funny,smart,caring,acts like a child sometimes. Jojo's best friend.

Family: Lives alone

Crush: Joanna Scott

Name: David Brandt


Personality: Same as Hayden's

Family: Lives alone

Crush: Joanna Scott

Name: Jessie Hudgens


Personality: Same as Skyler

Family: parents and a younger sister

Crush:David Brandt

So, basically this story is about Jojo and how she chooses the right guy for her. As you can see the title COMPLICATED so yea. I'll update when I can. So feel free to message me.And this is my first story so criticism is very helpful!!
