
Drew? David?


Well as much as I would like to.I can't and I don't..I barely had anytime with him lately. You see Tom is auditioning for band and he's been really busy lately. But the time that I do spend with him it's always special to the both of us.

I'm glad Thomas is back..

Story Starts

Jojo's POV

So you remember that band I told you that Thomas was auditioning for? Well if you don't then let me refresh your memory "You see Tom is auditioning for a band and he's been really busy lately" Well it turns out that he got chosen and that it's a boy band! Today is the day the guys get to chose their name. So Thomas told me that it was five of them but he said that I already know 2 of the others.

And me being the curious person I am decided to ask but I got no answer form him. Oh well I guess I have to wait and see.So Tom is bringing me along with him today to meet the other guys and what not. They said they were meeting up at McDonald's so that's where we went and then I guess their going to go pick their names or come up with it. Or whatever they need to do.

~At McDonald's~

At McDonald's I saw two guys that I didn't know and two guys that I knew very well.

"DREW?? DAVE?? ARE YOU GUYS IN THIS BAND TOO???" I asked shocked.

Because never in a million years would I think that my brother would join a boy band. I mean it's fine with me and everything and I know that Drew has an awesome voice! But he auditioned for a boy band and never told me and Thomas and Dave didn't either!

OK so now I was really shocked seeing my brother with of his best friends in a boy band! To many people that would be funny but to me that makes me happy for all of them. Their all going to have a chance to live their dreams! OK well back to Drew and Dave I haven't heard an answer yet.

"Oh hey Jojo!" They replied.

"Hey..." I said.

"Your mad aren't you?" They asked.

"No I'm not mad at you guys for auditioning for a boy band I'm mad because you never told me anything!" I said

"We didn't know if we were going to get picked so that's why we didn't tell you." Dave said.

"Ok then how do you guys always make me not mad at you it's getting really annoying!" I said smiling.

They all just laughed including two people I never saw before. I guess they were part of this band too. So I guess Tom read my mind because he started to introduce me to them.

"That's Jayk" He pointed to the one with a hat on.

"That's Bobby" He pointed to the one with dark hair.

"And I'm Thomas" He said smiling.

"I think I know who my boyfriend is" I said jokingly.

"And guys this is my girlfriend and Drew's sister Jojo"He finished.

"Hi" all of the guys said which included Jayk,Bobby,Drew,and Dave.

"Now that's out of the way. Who's hungry?" Drew asked.

"I am" Everyone said in unison which caused a lot of people to look at us and then start laughing with us.

After we calmed down we decided to order. Everyone got what they wanted and when the food came we all ate and talked. I found out a lot of interesting things about the boys. I learned that Bobby acted in Sky Kids 3! We laughed at that, then we talked and then the guys said that they had to go pick their name now.

So we left McDonald's and went to their record label to pick their name. So after a while of debating the guys finally liked the name Varsity but the problem was that another band was named VARCITY spelled different but it's the same name so they decided to add fanclub onto Varsity so it was VARSITY FANCLUB OR VFC! So they guys all like that name so VFC it is!

I can't believe I'm dating a boy form a boy band and that my brother is in the same boy band...Life is interesting.....

After we got back home Drew and they guys wanted to go out and celebrate but Thomas and I didn't well Thomas didn't he said he had something "special" planned for the two of us. He told the guys and Sky and Jesse what he planned but didn't tell me. So I told the guys to take Sky and Jesse with them. They agreed because well I knew that Sky liked Drew and Drew liked Sky but I never said anything.I wanted them to figure it out on their own. And I knew that Jesse liked David.

But I'm not so sure about David he told me he likes someone but he never told me her name. So might as well give them a chance to hang out. I hope they have a good time. Meanwhile,Thomas told me to go get dressed and to wear something nice so I guess we're going out or maybe not? You never know what to expect from Thomas he's a hopeless romantic and I love him for that.

He said to wear something nice so that's what I'm going to do. So after I shower,get dressed,fix my hair,put on makeup,etc. I was ready and I guess so was Thomas because at the same time the doorbing rang..I opened the door expecting Thomas but that wasn't Thomas that was.....
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