
Don't leave me please.

Story Starts
Wow that's all I can think of to say.This place is amazing! Candle light dinner overlooking the beach and it's sunset. That's amazing!

"This is wow!" I said in awe.

"How did... when did?" I asked my words not forming sentences.

He chuckled. "Don't worry about it I had some help too."

I turned around in his arms and leaned up to kiss him. But I was too short so he had to lean down too.

"Thank you." I said pulling apart.

"I would do anything for you." He replied.

"So shall we?"

"Yes" I replied.
So after that we ate,talked,and held hands over the table. Suddenly, Thomas' phone starts to ring.So,I told him to answer it. It might be important.
Phone Convo.
T: Hello?
D: Hey Thomas?
T:Yeah Hey David
D We really need you and Jojo to get to the hospital man.
T: What why?
D:Drew is in here. Hurry up!
T:What!? Yeah we'll be right there.

"Babe!? What's wrong?" I asked.

"It's Drew."

"WHAT?! What's wrong?"

"I don't know Dave said to head on over there so come on."

Thomas was driving and I was sliently crying.I guess Thomas noticed because at the stop light he turned my face to face him and wiped some of the tears off my face.

"Shh..don't cry baby Drew is strong he'll pull through this" He said while holding my hand in his. We finally reached at the hospital and Thomas didn't let go of my hand.We reached the front desk and asked Drew Scott?

"Ah yes room101" The lady said.

"OK thanks."Thomas replied.

We reached room 101 to see everyone waiting for us outside. Drew is the only family I have left. I can't lose him not now. Not ever.We opened the room to find Drew all bandaged up and hooked up to machines. I couldn't stand seeing my brother like that in so much pain and hooked up to all that stuff. iI can't believe that was Drew MY Drew MY brother the one that always cheered me up.He looks so pale so helpless. I walked over to him and took his hand in mine his hands were bandaged up too. I couldn't stand to see him like that so without warning I started to cry sliently. Until,Thomas came and told me that we had to go and that we would be back tomrrow.

"Thomas I can't I want to stay here. I can't leave him like this." I said.

"Babe you need your sleep and we'll be back tomorrow I promise."

"Just please if you don't want to go home then you can spend the night at my place." He said

"You sure?" I asked.

"Yeah now come on you need your sleep."

"Bye Drew I'll see you tomorrow."
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