

"Thomas? Thomas? THOMAS!?" I yelled trying to get his attention even though I was still in his arms.
"Huh? Sorry I was just thinking about something." He replied.
"Oh about what?" I asked
"Don't worry about it.Come on you need your sleep remember we have to go to visit Drew tomorrow." He replied.
"Yeah night Thomas." I said kissing him on his cheek.
"Aww come on that's not a goodnight kiss." He said pouting.
"Then what is?"
"This is." Was the last thing I heard before Thomas crashed his lips to mine.
We stayed like that for a while.Until Thomas pulled away pecking me on my lips.
"Time to get some sleep now." He said smiling.
"Night Jojo"
"Night Thomas"
Next Day
After we woke up around 7am we got up and did the regular morning routine.
"Hey you ready?" Asked Thomas.
"Yeah I'll be down in a sec."
At the hospital

We went in to find Drew awake! YAY! I'm so happy!
"Oh my gosh! DREW!" I yelled.
Yeah you can tell I was happy! Well you would be too.If you had to see your brother awake from being in a coma for a couple of hours. Yeah I think I had forgotten to mention that but yes Drew was in a coma! And now he's awake!
"Well hello to you to little sis!" He said smiling.
"I'm so glad your awake! I didn't know what I would have done without you!" I said tears in my eyes.
Welcome back tears! Wait, I thought I had used all of these tears! Wait,why am I talking to myself? Anyway, back to Drew!

"How are you feeling?" Thomas asked Drew.

"Better" Drew replied similing.

"Good!" We all said in unison.

Which was the first time I saw David,Jayk and Hayden. Well the first time I paid attention that they were there.

"Oh hey guys.Sorry I didn't see you guys there." I said walking up to them.

"That's ok.Now where is my hug?" Asked David.

That made everyone laugh including Drew.

" you deserve a hug?" I asked messing with him.

"Yes I do now I want my hug!" He said pouting.

He looks cute! Wait! Hold on! Did I just say that!?I have Thomas! Not David! Ugh!

"Yeah I'll go with that." I said giving him a hug.

"Good!" He said smiling.

He looks so cute! Ugh! Not again! I need to stop this! I don't like David! I like Thomas! UGH!!!

"Wait don't I get a hug?" I heard a voice from behind me.

Wait I know that voice! OMG! LEXY! Well let's fill you in. Lexy is my BFF since we were kids! We met in the 1st grade and been best freind's ever since! But Lexy had to move because her dad had gotten a new job.But we kept in touch and talked everyday! So now she's back! I missed her so much! And her real name is Alex we just call her Lexy though! =)

"LEXY!" I yelled forgetting that we were in the hospital.

"JOJO!" Lexy yelled back laughing.
"GUYS!" Drew yelled. Wow this is a lot of yelling.

"WHAT!?" We yelled in unison.
"STOP YELLING!" Drew yelled again. And he tells US to stop.
"Oh my bad" We said in unison. Yes we talk in unison a lot. =) Get used to it.

"I missed you so much!" We said in unison again!

"Great now since the two freinds are together again.Can someone tell me when I can get out of here? I hate this place!" Said Drew.

That made everyone laugh.

"Haha yeah sure I'll go." said Thomas.

After Thomas left we all started talking about random stuff phone rang again..with a text from..if you guessed Seth then your right!

Hey babe I heard drew woke up again..interesting.cant wait 2 c u. ;)

love -Seth ;)

Everyone noticed how tense I was until Hayden took the phone out of my hand and read the text out loud.

"WHAT THE!?" everyone said at the same time except Jayk and David since they didn't know about Seth.

"Jo how long has he been texting you??" asked Drew and Hayden.

"Since last night after we came back from the hospital.I was at Thomas's place and I got the text." I said tears in my eyes.

I cry a lot! And I thought all the tears I had were done! UGH!

"Come here." Hayden said pulling me to him. Hayden has always been there for me. Hayden,Lexy,and me were best friends until she moved but now she's back! And then we met Jesse and Sky a couple of years after she had left.

"Shh everything is going to be ok I promise." Lexy said joining in the hug.

"I'm going to find him and kill him!" said Thomas,Drew,and Hayden.

Wait I didn't know Thomas was back.

"Guys don't.I don't want you guys to get hurt."I said trying to stay calm.

"Ok wait I'm lost care to fill me in?" David asked.

"Me too." said Jayk.

Hayden told them and right after they got the same reaction.

"We'll join in killing him." They said.

"GUYS! STOP! PLEASE!" I yelled.

"WHY?" They all yelled.

"Because you guys could get hurt! And I don't want to lose you guys.You don't know Seth.He'll do whatever it takes to get what he wants." I said crying and walking out of the room.

"Jojo wait!" I heard from behind me.

"What?" I stopped walking and just stood there.

"Look at me." He said turning me around to face him. I turned around and saw Thomas.

"Come on Jo just look at me please."

"Fine what?" As soon as I looked up at him I saw someone behind..

"Jojo?" He asked.

"Thomas.." I said so sofly you could barely hear it.

"What's wrong?" He asked.

"Thomas..Seth is behind you.." I said holding on to Thomas very tightly.

"Great now I can beat the crap out of him." He said.

"Thomas don't please." I said looking him in his eyes.

"Fine but that doesn't mean the other guys won't." He said taking out his phone and calling the other guys.

"Well,Well what do we have here?" I heard Seth ask Thomas.

Before Thomas could respond all the other guys came running out