
What do you want Conway?


"Great now I can beat the crap out of him." He said.

"Thomas don't please." I said looking him in his eyes.

"Fine but that doesn't mean the other guys won't." He said taking out his phone and calling the other guys.

"Well,Well what do we have here?" I heard Seth ask Thomas.

Before Thomas could respond all the other guys came running out.

Story Starts

"What do you want Conway?" asked Hayden.

It's times like this that I'm happy I have such protective friends other times not so much.

"I only want one thing well person that is.But it seems like she got pretty boy here to protect her." He said gesturing to Thomas.

"Well you got that one wrong Conway cause she got all of us to beat the crap out of you. Which I'm sure we would be delighted to do." Hayden replied.

"Like you can beat me up." Seth said.

"Conway your an idiot."David and Thomas said inunison.

"There's 4 of us and only one of you." said Jayk.

While they were talking they didn't realize that Lexy was already calling the cops.

Let's just say when the cops got here it was very bad for Seth and very good for the guys.Want to know why? Those were the same cops that arrested Seth two years ago. And the cops felt the need to have Seth punished which they let they guys do. In a short sentence the cops had daughters. ;)

So now Seth is back in jail because he violated his restraining order and parole.The cops said that he's going to be in there for life now. Which everyone is happy about.

"Hey you ok?" Thomas asked once everyone went back to Drew's room to fill him in about what just happened.

"I should be asking you that." I replied looking at Thomas.

His hands were red and bleeding probably from hitting Seth so hard.

"I'm fine.Now I want you to answer that same question." He replied.

"I'm.......I'm..I don't know."

Suddenly the carpet became more interesting by the second.Which is why I'm currently looking at it.

"Hey come on you know you can tell me anything." He said.

"Yeah I know I'm just overwhelmed right now.I mean Drew and then Seth. Everything was happening so fast.And now Lexy is here.It's just a lot I guess." I said still looking at the carpet.

"Yeah well it is a lot for you. You need to relax everything is going to be ok. I promise. Drew is out of the coma. Lexy is here. Seth is gone. And I'm here for you."

"Jo I have to tell you something." said Thomas looking a little nervous.

"What?" I asked curious and worried at the same time.

"Well this isn't exactly how I pictured this but I-" He started but I cut him off.

"Thomas just tell me."

"Fine.JoJo I love you." He said looking me in the eyes.

Those three words. The three most over used words.But right here,right now they don't seem that way.All I know is that I love him to.I love Thomas Micheal Fiss.

"I love you too Thomas." I said looking in his eyes.

I have never seen someone so happy as Thomas was right now.He had a huge smile on his face! Then without any warning he pulled me into a kiss.This kiss couldn't compare to all the other ones.This was the perfect moment well minus the hospital part.

As soon as the kiss ended.Thomas said he has something for me but I'm going to have to wait to see it because it's back at his place. Hmm..I wonder what it is.

After we went back to Drew's room.

"Ok now that everyone is happy. Can't someone please tell me when I can get out of here!? I hate this place!" Drew said.

"Haha yeah you can get out today."Thomas said laughing..

"Finally!! thank you Thomas!"He said laughing making everyone laugh along.

After we got all the papers signed and what not we had to go and make sure Drew didn't forget anything in his room.He tends to forget things.

"Hey I'm going to ride with Thomas."I said to Drew and well everyone.

"Ok" Drew replied guess he was the only one that heard. Oh well.

In Thomas's Car

"So about this 'something' any hints?"I asked hopeful.

"Nope sorry but your going to have to wait." He said similing.

"Aww come on please Tommy." I said pouting.

"Nope." He said smiling.

"Aww fine then." I said trying my head to look out the window.

Before I knew it we were in front of Thomas's house.

Inside Thomas's house

"Ok now we're here so can I get my surprise please?" I asked pouting.

"You look so cute when you do that."He said.

"Thanks"I said blushing.I'ven known him for so long and he still makes me blush!

"Ok close your eyes and I'll be right back." He said going up the stairs to his room.

"Ok." I said.

I heard footsteps walking closer to me.He must be back.That was fast.

"Ok now you can open you eyes."He said I could hear the smile in his voice.

When I opened my eyes I saw Thomas standing there with the most beautiful...