
The Text meant..

"ok we need snacks"i said getting up after watching The Hills have Eyes. I went to the kitchen to get some chips.popcorn,and soda.As I was trying to get the popcorn which was on the highest shelf in the kitchen.Someone came from behind and i felt a body pressed to me and got it for me when i turned around I saw Thomas? "Thanks" i said blushing "No problem" he replied

"So how you been?" he asked
"good u?" i replied."I've been good.I can't believe that you changed so much." he replied
"HOW?" i asked curious "Well your even more beautiful now if that's even possible"he said walking closer to me "t-thanks" i said stuttering and I'm pretty sure i was blushing too.
"You're cute when you blush"He said chuckling.He kept walking towards me closing up the remaining space left between us.That's when..........


Jojo's POV
That's when he cupped my face with his hands and he started to lean in.He was only a couple of inches away from my lips I felt his breath on my lips.Just as he was going to kiss me Drew walked in.Ok right now I REALLY HATE DREW WHY DID HE HAVE TO WALK IN NOW OUT OF ALL THE TIMES NOW!!!!!! HE HAS REALLY BAD TIMING!!!!
As soon as we realized that he was in the room Thomas pulled away leaving me shocked and he walked out of the room back to the family room where we were watching the movies. "Hey you ok?" asked Drew.I really wanted to say NO I'M NOT OK WHY COULDN'T YOU HAVE WALKED IN ANOTHER TIME BUT NOT RIGHT NOW. But I didn't I just said"Yeah I'm good I just hurt my hand while getting the popcorn"BIG LIE

"Oh ok then I'm going back to the living room"He replied "ok"I said. Why did Drew have to walk in then I really wanted for Thomas to kiss me.UGH!! I HATE DREW SO MUCH RIGHT NOW!
Thomas' POV
As soon as I was about to kiss her.Drew walked in.UGH!!! DREW YOU REALLY HAVE BAD TIMING!!I really wanted to kiss Jojo I missed her so much not seeing someone you LOVE and yes I mean LOVE for two years can make you ugh I can't find a word for it.She's probably still in kitchen since Drew came out already hmm.I'm going to go see if she needs help."Hey guys I'm going to see if Jojo needs any help"I said "OK"they replied.

As I was walking in I heard "OWWW!!" I chuckled knowing that she burned her hand while getting out the popcorn out of the microwave.Let's see if I'm right.And there she was puting her finger in her mouth.I chuckled looking at her and then she looked up and saw me and blushed. She's so cute when she blushes.I was walking towards her and she was backing up until her back was against the counter top.I smiled and took her finger out of her mouth and put it under cold water.She smiled looking at me.
I turned of the water and warped her finger in a bandage type thing.

Jojo's POV
He warped my finger in a bandage type thing.As he was doing that we were just staring into each other's eyes.I can't believe that he's back I missed him so much.Two years is a LONG TIME! After he was done with my hand his hands were cupping my face AGAIN! I hope Drew doesn't walk in or anyone for that matter. He was leaning in and I was too.He stopped only 2 inches away from my lips.He kept staring into my eyes then his eyes would go to my lips as if asking permission before kissing me.i nodded slightly giving him permission to kiss me.

Before I knew it his lips were on mine.His lips were so soft.The kiss lasted about 40 seconds before we both pulled away breathing heavily.I guess we were so caught up in the moment that we forgot that we needed air.Oh well that KISS WITH THOMAS WAS AMAZING!!!
We both pulled away smiling our foreheads were touching.The he whispered in my ear."I guess you just found out what my text meant." He said smiling at me."I guess I did." I replied smiling."You can't believe how long I've waited to do that." He said smiling and wraping his arms around my waist."Hmm.I'm curious how long exactly?"i asked.

"WAY TOO LONG BUT IT WAS WORTH IT."he replied grinning. "yes it was"I mumbled against his chest.
"So now I guess you know my secret" he said."What secret?" I asked curious lifting up my head to look at his face."This secret" he mumbled before kissing me agin."I like this secret"I said in between kisses."me too"he replied.after about 50 seconds of kissing.I pulled away smiling and breathing heavily."So now that you know my secret would you like to go on a date with me? he asked.

"Let me think about that and I'll get back to you"i replied smiling so that he knew i was just kidding."Yes i would love to"I said.making him smile and pulled me in for another kiss.Wow! 3 times in one day."You know that your going to have to tell Drew that your dating his baby sister"I said smiling at him."Can we do that together because I'm afraid that he'll kill me."he said smiling."And he won't kill me?"I asked smiling.

"Not really your his baby sister so I'm pretty sure that he won't"He replied."But your his best friend."I said "Yes i know that that's why I'm scared.PLEASE COME ON"he said pouting "Fine"I mumbled into his chest.
Next will Drew react to his best friend dating his baby sister?Where will Thomas take Jojo to on their first date?Read Ch.4 to find out