
Telling Drew


"You know that your going to have to tell Drew that your dating his baby sister"I said smiling at him.

"Can we do that together because I'm afraid that he'll kill me."he said smiling."And he won't kill me?"I asked smiling.

"Not really your his baby sister so I'm pretty sure that he won't"He replied.

"But your his best friend."I said

"Yes i know that that's why I'm scared.PLEASE COME ON"he said pouting

"Fine"I mumbled into his chest.

Story Starts

Jojo's POV

So,after getting kissed by Thomas 3 TIMES!!!! We decided that we have to tell Drew the next day before he starts to freak out. When we did tell Drew he took it well here's what happened.

Jojo and Thomas: Drew we need to talk to you.

Drew: Sure.

Thomas: Um. well I don't know how to say this but I'm dating Jojo. There i said it.


Thomas and Jojo: WHAT?!??

Drew:Well it's obvious that you guys like each other and I know that Thomas' is a good guy and everything so yea I'm fine with it.But Thomas if you hurt her your gonna be dead.

Thomas:Yea, don't worry I won't.

Ok then as that was done Thomas and I walked out of Drew's room. "So,what do you want to do tonight?" asked Thomas "I don't know" I replied

"ok how 'bout a movie?"he said

"ok that sounds good."i replied

"ok then movies it is"he replied smiling.

"ok why are you smiling?" I asked curious

"nothing it's just that I have a date with the most amazing girl EVER!"he said smiling as I blushed.

Later that day

"ok so what movie?"he asked

"I don't know you pick" I said

"ok how bout THE UNINVITED?" he said

"yes that sounds good"i replied

"ok well then what time are we going?" I asked

"umm how bout 7?" he said

"umm Thomas that's in 1 hour" i said

"Yea i know" he replied

"OK then I'll go get ready now" i said

"OK" he said. As i was walking towards my room he caught my wrist and pulled me back.

"What?" I asked.

"You forgot something" he said

"what?" i asked.

"This" he replied before pulling me into a kiss. We stayed there for a couple for minutes only pulling apart for air when we needed it.Finally,i decided to pull away because I had to get ready.When,I did I saw that Thomas was smiling which made me blush.

"OK I'm gonna go get ready now." i said. "OK' he replied.So after taking a short shower,putting on my clothes,makeup,etc.I was finally ready and it was 6:50.Wow that was long.So I decided to go to the living room and wait for Thomas there. So as I was bored i turned on t.v and I was watching My Super Sweet Sixteen(I love that show!.

As soon as it finished I heard the doorbell ring."I'll get it"I yelled.When I opened the door there was Thomas looking so HOT! "Hey" he said

"Hey" i replied."u ready?" he asked."yea" i said.
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Ok so I'm not going to go into details about what happened at the movies not interesting.

And I'm leaving it here sorry it's short but I'm sick and my head is killing me so yea sorry.
