


Thomas: ok then how bout i come pick you up and then we could rent movies,and watch them over by my place.

Jojo:um ok

Thomas:ok cool then I'll pick you up in 30

Jojo:k bye


Ok so now I have 30 minutes to get ready.That should be enough time.After showering,putting on clothes,makeup,etc.I still had 10 minutes left.Wow new record!So I decided that I would text Sky while i waited for Thomas

Jojo:Hey sky wats up?

Sky:Hey nm u?

Jojo: same just going over to Thomas' place today

Sky:aww how cute.u guys make such a cute couple.

Jojo:aw thanks

Sky:no prob. As soon as I got that text i heard the doorbell So as I was walking towards it, I texted Sky back.

Jojo Hey srry g2g Tom's here

Sky:k but text me when u get back I want DETAILS! and have fun! =) but not 2 much ;)

Jojo:Ugh sky!

Sky:yea i know so have fun!

Jojo:k i will

As soon as I opened that door I saw Thomas standing there with a rose in his hand.

"Aw thanks" I said blushing as he gave me the rose.

"Anything for my beautiful girlfriend" he replied smiling and leaning in for a kiss.That was like the first kiss all over again so sweet,so nice.We both pulled away smiling.

"So you ready?" he asked

"yeah" I replied

Story Starts

"Ok come on then lets go" said Thomas.

"Ok someone's in a hurry" I replied smiling.

"Yea watever!"He said smirking

"Why are you smirking?"I asked nervous

"Oh nothing you'll find out soon enough"he said

"OOOOk then so what movies are we getting?"I asked

"Umm I don't know you pick" he said.

"Ok" I replied.

So after we went to blockbuster we got Twilight,Jumper,and Disturbia.

"ok now we have the movies time to go to my place now" said Thomas

"ok" i replied

~At Thomas' Place~

"ok so we have popcorn,candy,sodas"said thomas

"ok then" i replied