


So after we went to blockbuster we got Twilight,Jumper,and Disturbia.

"ok now we have the movies time to go to my place now" said Thomas

"ok" i replied

~At Thomas' Place~

"ok so we have popcorn,candy,sodas"said thomas

"ok then" i replied

Story Starts

Jojo's POV

So after Thomas got all the snacks we decided to watch Twilight first. Well I did anyway! The movie was at the part where Bella first met Jacob and I saw out of the coner of my eye that Thomas was looking at me.So I decided to ask.

"Umm.Tommy do I have something on my face?"I asked.

"Huh?oh um.. no you don't" he replied.

"Then why were you staring at me?"I asked smiling

"What? I can't look at my girlfriend?"he replied smiling that gorgeous smile of his.That smile could make any girl melt on the spot.

"Yeah you can but I thought that you wanted to watch movies today?"I asked.

"Well yeah" he said.

"Ok then"I said

"Wait did you just call me Tommy?"He asked smirking.You see Thomas always hated that name I was the only one allowed to call him that well sometimes anyway.Gosh I missed him! Two years is a long time!

"Umm..Maybe I did"I replied.

"I missed hearing that name." he said

"Wait!! what?? I thought that you hated that name?"I asked confusion clearly in my tone.

"Yeah I did but while I was away I missed hearing you say that"He replied smiling.

"Even when the only time you say that is when you were trying to get me to do something for you or if you were trying to get me mad." he said.

"Oh yeah that's all I had to say to make you do something for me! It was pretty funny though!"i said.

"Yeah yeah"He said smiling.

"So why did you got to Spain for TWO YEARS???"I asked sort of mad I mean come on TWO years!!!

"Aww come on don't be mad Jojo."he said smiling.WAIT! WHAT?? smiling????Okay now I'm confused why is he smiling?

"But you never gave me a reason why. You just came over one day and told Drew that you and Dave were going to Spain for TWO whole years?" I said.

"I mean come on you never told me! Drew told me after you guys left!!!!"I replied.

"I know and I'm sorry I just couldn't talk to you then you know how hard it was to know that I won't be seeing you for two years?"He said.

"Yeah I guess your right."I said.

"And besides your cute when your mad at me."He said smiling.

"Thanks"I said blushing.

"Your welcome."He said leaning in.

Then I started to lean in too. I mean who doesn't want to kiss Thomas??? I'll answer that no one!!! But for now he's all mine! So this kiss wasn't like before this kiss was full of passion and want. This kiss was one of those kisses you see at the end of some of the romance movies.It was different and I liked it.

So I know who want more details but I'm not sharing those.I'll just say that the kiss lasted for half and hour with us breaking apart for air when needed. ;) But that's all I'm saying.

After our "little kiss" I had my head on his chest with his arms wrapped around me. And let me tell you I love the feeling of being in his arms.I feel safe and I know that he's going to be there for me and that's the best feeling in the world!

Thomas' POV

Having Jojo in my arms is the best feeling a guy can have. I love her so much! I just have to find a way to tell her. And I want it to be perfect. Because to me she IS perfect in every way. She really has no idea what she does to me.

Her head on my chest and my arms around! I love her soo much!

That kiss was amazing!! I waited two years to see her and it was so worth it! To have her in my arms, to kiss her and to know that she's all mine and no one else's.

Now I have to find the perfect time and place to tell her that I love her. And I want this to be perfect!