


Having Jojo in my arms is the best feeling a guy can have. I love her so much! I just have to find a way to tell her. And I want it to be perfect. Because to me she IS perfect in every way. She really has no idea what she does to me.

Her head on my chest and my arms around! I love her soo much!

That kiss was amazing!! I waited two years to see her and it was so worth it! To have her in my arms, to kiss her and to know that she's all mine and no one else's.

Now I have to find the perfect time and place to tell her that I love her. And I want this to be perfect!

Story starts

Jojo's POV

Thomas seems quite right now probably thinking about something. Might be important might not be..I wonder what Sky's up to...

Sky's POV

I can't belive that all the guys are back. Jojo must be happy since she had a crush on Thomas for a very long time. I don't think I could have gone that lone without seeing Drew..Crap! Did I just say that out loud? I guess I did.

Well now you know. Yes I like Drew Scott my best friend's brother..I just can't help it he's so funny and so cute and nice and smart did I mention cute! Ok well I guess I did..

I really like Drew but I'm pretty sure he doesn't like me like that. He probably thinks of me as Jojo's best friend and nothing more..but I wish it was more..

I wish WE were more that JUST friends.. But I guess Drew doesn't want that..

Jojo's POV

Well if your wondering where am I. I'll tell you I'm with my amazing boyfriend Thomas Micheal Fiss... Your probably thinking do you spend all of your time with him?

Well as much as I would like to.I can't and I don't..I barely had anytime with him lately. You see Tom is auditioning for band and he's been really busy lately. But the time that I do spend with him it's always special to the both of us.

I'm gald Thomas is back..
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These were written before Thomas left VFC