Status: on hiatus until further notice.



"Does my hair look okay?" Marie asked nervously while looking out of the corner of her eyes and at me throught the reflection in the mirror.

I just sighed. I had been sitting in her room for about twenty minutes listening to her ridiculous questions about her appearance. "Marie, you're hair looks fine. It looked fine an hour ago when you did it and it will look fine in two hours when we're sitting on Frank's couch watching a movie."

Marie just nodded vigorously at me. My guess was that a set of nerves just swept through her because I mentioned our plans. My sister was absurd.

"I need to change." She said before walking past me, sitting on her bed, and to her closet for clothing. I just shook my head. She had changed about six times already, and this wasn't even a real date. It was just a chance for the two to get to know eachother.

"No, you're not changing again." I ordered as I walked over to her and pulled her away from the closet. "We have to leave now."

She struggled against my grip and tried to retreat back to the closet that was now getting farther and farther away. "Why are you so damn strong?" she complained, before giving up and letting me tug her along by the death grip on her arm.

I walked her out of our house and into the car, grabbing my keys and cell phone along the way. "What about my cell phone? Or my purse?" Marie paniced, trying to turn around, but I didn't let go. "Oh God, my make-up!" she shrieked.

"Shut up." I said, pushing her into the passenger's seat. "People are going to think I'm doing inappropriate things to you." She just giggled at me. I gave her a stern look, before letting go of her shoulder and quickly making my way to the driver's side.

I started the car up, and instantly The Get Up Kids came floating through the speakers. I sighed at the same time as Marie did. This was what we needed (especially her) to calm down.

Can you sleep as the sound hits your ears?
One at a time; An unspoken balance.

I drove down the street and in the direction of Frank's house, all the while my mouth moving along with the words. I glanced over to Marie to see her singing along too.

I have no idea why, but this song made me so happy. I felt safe whenever I heard it, anytime of the day. I'm guessing Marie felt the same way, because she seemed to always just get as quiet as I did when it played. There was no other song that could evoke so much feeling from me.

Don't worry I'll catch you.
Don't worry I'll catch you.
Don't ever worry.
No need for reminding. You're still all that matters to me.

The song came to an end right as I pulled up to, hopefully, what was Frank's home. I looked over at Marie to see her glancing at the house, and then to the car parked in the driveway, while biting her lip.

"Come on." I urged her.

"I'm fine where I am." She waved her hand off in the air while still intently staring at the car.

"Marie." I warned. "Don't make me get Mikey out here to bring you in himself." That was an empty threat. We both knew Mikey would not do something like that. But, Gerard would.

"Mikey won't do that." She smiled. Oh, she thought she got me, did she. I just shrugged and said 'suit yourself' before getting out of the car and walking up to the front door, taking one last look at Marie who was sitting wide eyed in the passenger's seat.

I knocked loudly on the front door just intime to hear a car door slam behind me, and heard the familiar barely-there pitter of my sisters footsteps.

The smirk on my face was undeniably wide.

Frank opened up the door a minute later, greeting us with a wide smile, himself. "Hey guys. Come on in. Everyone else is in the livingroom." He stepped aside to let us in.

The first thing that hit me was the fact that Frank's house was undeniably warm and cozy. I looked around as I followed Frank to the livingroom and everything just seemed to fit here, perfectly. It also smelt like pasta sauce, which was an added bonus.

"Your house smells good." My sister spoke my thoughts for me. I nodded. Though, I'm not sure Frank saw, seeing as how his back was to me. But, he did laugh.

"My mom made pasta before she left for work."

"You're mom leaves for work at night?" I questioned, confused by his statement.

He just nodded. "She's a nurse. She works the night shifts." I'm sure at one point or another in past years, Frank had told me that before. I felt a slight twinge of guilt that I didn't remember.

We made it into the livingroom to see the rest of the guys sprawled out across it. Gerard was sitting in a reclining chair, while Bob and Ray were taking up the entire couch. Mikey sat alone on the loveseat. Marie smiled at him when she saw him. It didn't even take Frank to fully say "Why don't you guys have a seat?" before Marie was perched down in the open spot on the loveseat.

She looked back at us and I raised my eyebrows. "I'm not sitting on the floor." she defended her actions.

At that point it hit me, I would be sitting on the floor, and I frowned at her.

I moved over to the end of the recliner and layed down on my stomach, stealing Gerard's pillow in the process.

"Hey!" He whined. "That was my pillow."

I nodded. "Yeah, it was. But, seeing as how you weren't kind enough to offer your seat up for a lady, it's the least you could do." He just pouted.

Frank came and laid down on the floor next to me, and I began to feel slightly nervous that he was there. "What movie are we watching?" Marie asked.

"A classic." Ray answered. "Dawn of the Dead."

I gulped in slightly. I wasn't aware that this was going to be a scary movie night. I knew Marie had no issues with them, but even though the movie didn't effect me when I watched it, it tortured me when I went to bed later that night. As well as every night for the rest of the week after that.

This was going to be fun.
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I like this one :]