Status: on hiatus until further notice.


Passing It On

As I placed my reciever down onto the hook, I rubbed my hand over my forehead. What on Earth was I doing?

I had been sitting in my room since I returned home yesterday after visiting my mother. I was in no mood to leave at all. Marie had tried several times to communicate with me, but I just brushed her aside with one-syllable words. I wouldn't look her in the face either. I didn't need to see how my bad mood effected her.

But, for me to decide to go out to the movies with Frank over talking with her was a big thing. I'd never thought anyone in the world could make me feel better when I'm down beside Marie.. and my mother. But, Frank. Frank. He was capable. He's done it before, and today I just felt like putting my trust in him.

He didn't seem too bothered that I wanted to see him. Does he think it's weird? Oh, no. Maybe he only accepted to go because Marie told him I was in a bad mood. That would be terrible. I didn't want a pity party from Frank. Not him. Anyone but him.

I snapped my eyes away from the spot on the wall I had been staring at. I didn't even realize I was zoning out.

"Rae?" a whispered voice came from the door. I looked over slowly to see Marie standing in the doorway, an anxious look placed on her face. "Are you alright?"

I didn't respond. I could tell she wasn't finished speaking.

"And, I know you've been in this mood since we came home from visiting Mom yesterday. You were scowling the entire car ride home. I just want to make sure it's not something serious, Rae. You'd tell me if something really bad was going through your head, right?" She gazed at me with hopefull eyes, and I turned away from her.

"Marie, don't worry yourself with me right now." I ran a shakey hand through my hair. "Just go get all dolled-up for him, alright? I'll be fine."

She gave me a skeptical look. I sighed, getting off the bed and walking over to the door. "Frank's going to take me to the movies." For some reason, this reassured her.

"Oh, that's nice of him. I didn't even hear the phone ring." She mused.

I looked beside her and out to the hallway. "That's because I called him."

"Oh?" I could tell she didn't take this lightly. I understand why. I mean, I haven't actually tried to make contact with guys in the past, and althought I was 'growing' and 'expanding my horizons' I still didn't instigate a closer relationship with the guys.

"Yeah." I breathed. "I just figured since last time after school..."

She nodded her head at my trailing voice. She got it. He was good at making me feel better, and Marie, although she was younger than I, was fine with letting him take over for her.

Honestly, I'm glad anyone could take away from Marie having to be my emotion crutch. I'm not saying that I was particularly happy that I was displacing my emotion from her to Frank. Eventually, I hope I don't need them to be my support for anything.

"Have fun with Mikey." It came out as a command. She smiled, and wrapped her arms around me. I followed suit and placed mine around her's as well.

I couldn't help letting the small smile creep its way onto my lips. "I love you more than anything, Rae."

"And I love you more than you love me."

We both chuckled and released each other. I looked into my baby sister's eyes and gave her one last genuine smile. My bad mood would pass. I just wanted to let her know.

At that moment, the door bell rang out throughout the house.

"That's Mikey." she said, starting to walk through the hallway.

"You two are going to spend the entire night in meaningful conversations, right?" I asked, my big sister attitude showing. She rolled her eyes.

"Yes, Dad."

I laughed. "Well then, go out on your romantic date!" I shoo-ed her away from my room and towards the front door.

I leaned against the doorway, listening to the sounds of her unlocking the front door and the muffled greeting of her's to Mikey.

I just stood there, listening as Marie grabbed her coat from the closet. I could hear her sneakers clacking against the tiled floor.

But, one thing caught my attention more. My body stood straighter.

"Oh, hi there Frank!" Marie's voice floated through to my spot up the stairs. "Rae's up in her room. Come on in."

I couldn't make out what he was saying, but just from the tone of voice, I could recognize it belonged to him. I heard him moving in, and then some more muffled good-byes and then the front door slamming closed.

I began my walk towards the staircase. As I reached it, my body rammed into someone elses. That someone being Frank Iero.
♠ ♠ ♠
I hope that people will still get the notifications about this story
even with the crazy stuff going on with Mibba.

comment, please :]