Status: on hiatus until further notice.



As I let Frank Iero show me the way through the halls I questioned what exactly I had gotten myself into. I was going to socialize, with people that weren't Brynn. Thank god she was sick today, or she would surely have a shit fit over me acting like this. All I had to do was keep repeating that I was doing this for Marie's happiness.

I hadn't realized that I slowed my pace until I saw Frank standing there, looking impatiently at me father down the hall. "Hurry up, Rae. Gerard is going to get weird with questions if we don't."

"Is this really nessesary?" I asked, but I knew it came out as a whine. Even though I had quickened my pace, I was still behind Frank as he swirved through other people walking by. At least it didn't look as if I was hanging out with him...yet.

He stopped short and turned to give me a look. "I thought you wanted Mikey and Marie to be together?"

I sighed, defeated. He had understood my reasons, well not all of the reasons, for doing what I was doing. I told him, since my father wouldn't let up on 'the rule' that the only way Mikey and Marie could ever really be together, aside from me dating ANYONE here, would be if they could hang out with the rest of his friends. The big catch about all this, was the fact that my dad still wouldn't let her go, unless I went with her.

So, here I was, going to hang out with the friends of Frank Iero and Mikey Way. Marie had a meeting for spirit squad during lunch so she couldn't come with me. I didn't understand why I had to go when she wasn't.

"I do." I mumbled before Frank smiled and continued walking.

I shook my head behind him. He was taking to this whole thing a hell of a lot better than I thought he would. I half expected him to laugh in my face. But, he didn't. Frank just calmly helped me to formulate an idea.

Apparently, he noticed the love sick puppies too.

I was lost in my thoughts about earlier today and before I knew it I had collided with Frank's back, meaning we had stopped. I looked at him to see him smiling back at me. In my honest opinion, he seemed happier than usual.

A cough was heard and made me look away from Frank to see four other boys, all looking familiar sitting around a stump of a tree eating lunch. I wasn't quite sure who had coughed.

"Guys, this is Rae Simmons. It's okay if she sits with us at lunch today, right?" Frank questioned his friends who, in my honest opinion, looked as if they would rather not have me sitting with them. I don't blame them, actually. I practically treat everyone in this school like crap.

"Why?" One asked. He was smoking a cigarette inhumanly fast. It was like he needed it.
I looked over to Frank who shrugged at his friend. "I'll explain later."

The boy only nodded and continued to suck down his death stick. I just watched him. He looked deathly pale, that's for sure. His hair was black and greasy. I wondered if he ever washed it. I quickly glanced around at all the guys' hair. They all had that sheen to it that cigarette boy's did. Maybe none of them washed their hair. My face turned to disgust for a second.

"Hey Frank?" the greasy pale kid said, trying to gain his friends attention, who was now talking quietly with Mikey. Frank looked up at him.


His friend motioned towards me for a second. "Are you dating her? Cause she won't stop looking at me." The smile on his face was mockingly happy. I wanted to punch him. Stupid, retarded boys in this school.

"I was not looking at you. I was rather looking at the shockingly fast way you finished that cigarette. You're going to die so much sooner because of it." I clarified for him. He just looked at me blankly before once again turning his attention to Frank.

"So, are you dating her or not?"

God, if I was going to have to hang out with this kid more often I would surely beat him to a bloodly pulp soon enough. My hands tightened and clenched into a fist.

"No, Gerard. I am not dating her." Frank said, slightly exasperated. Why he would be annoyed made no sense to me.

Gerard smiled and looked back at me. "Well, in that case." he stuck out his hand and flashed a toothy smile at me. "I'm Gerard Way."