Status: on hiatus until further notice.


Cameras and Hugs

The mood of Frank's day had changed dramatically since the morning. He was now, confused but at the same time happy. Not only was he helping his friend Mikey with his not so active love life, he got to talk to one of his old friends again. Granted, the conditions of them talking with eachother were not the best.

Frank wasn't complaining. His head had recently become clouded with the Simmons sisters and everything about them. Maybe, in his mind, spending time with them would get his mind off of them? It wasn't very logical thinking.

Marie had some school spirit meeting today, so he was only going to bring Rae along with him. It wasn't really nessesary for her to even go. But, now that he knew they would get to spend time together, he was anxious for her to be there. So, he dragged her to lunch with him.

She didn't seem particularly happy to be there. Frank watched Rae as she scooted over to a spot under the tree and sat down, crossing her legs.

Frank had introduced her to all of the guys, and it seemed that she didn't have much of an issue with Mikey, Ray, or Bob. Gerard got on her nerves, that was easy to see.

Maybe, he shouldn't have tried to not so subtly make a pass at her. That was a stupid move. Every male in this school knew not to do that to her.

"...right Frank?"

This brought Frank out of his little daze of thoughts and back to Ray who was now talking with Mikey. "What?" he asked them, confused.

Mikey sighed. "Just say 'yes'"

Frank gave them both a wary look but never the less said 'yes.'

"Asshole!" Gerard yelled, smiling slightly. "You just agreed with them that I was more feminant than some of the girls in this school." Frank tried to hide his smile as he looked at all the other guys, who seemed to be failing at hiding their laughter. The muffeled giggle from the corner brought his attention back to Rae who was sitting against the tree now, with her sunglasses on, smirking.

He couldn't see if she was staring at him, or Gerard, or in no place in particular, but he wanted to know.

"So, Rae where's that friend of yours?" Gerard asked, noticing my eyes on her. Both Ray and Rae looked up at him.

"What friend?" they said at the same time, then turned to stare at eachother. Ray smiled widely at her, while she just barely showed her teeth back.

"We're going to have to clarify from now on, aren't we?" Frank asked no one in particular. No one bothered to respond for a few minutes before Gerard spoke again.

"Give her a nickname."

That, apparently wasn't going to fly for Rae. She spoke up with a definite sounding "No."

"Well, we're not giving Ray a nickname, he's just not that guy." Gerard argued. Frank could see Rae's fists clenching at her sides. She really didn't like Gerard. "And plus, calling him Torasaurous is just insane because it takes ten times longer to say than Ray does."

"That. Doesn't. Matter." she growled. "I'm not getting a nickname. I don't do nicknames."

Gerard paid her no mind, as he began to think. "I wonder what to call you." He tapped his pointer finger to his chin as he looked up to the sky to think. Frank glanced towards Rae to see her looking in his general direction. But, he couldn't be too sure, seeing as how she was still wearing sunglasses.

It was clear that she was looking at him when she mouthed the words 'Stop him' and then jerked her head back in Gerard's direction. Her dark brown hair covered her sunglasses from it, but she quickly swept it away.

"Gerard," Frank started "I don't think-"

"I've got it!" Gerard shouted, cutting him off. "We can call you Mae instead. It's almost the same name. Just a different consanant." He looked positively giddy with himself for coming up with that.


Frank watched as his friends looked turned to a crestfallen one. "Why not?"

She sighed, once again. "If you get confused, I guess you can call me Rae Lee. But, ONLY if you get confused, okay? I hate it."

Gerard's smile soon returned as he went over to Rae and sat down next to her. Her eyebrows made a questioning look as she watched him sit down. "What are you-"

Frank laughed at the shocked expression on Rae's face as Gerard wrapped his arms around her and gave her a hug, swinging her from side to side. This was too priceless, that someone needed a camera.

A second later a familiar clicking noise went off to the left of Frank, and he turned to see Marie standing there with a camera in her hands, grinning like a mad man.

"This is just too cute!"