Hard to Say I Do, When I Don't

Chapter 7

Ember pulled her hands behind her back to keep from fidgeting in front of the king and her husband-to-be. She was certainly surprised to see how attractive Mason was, but that did nothing to ease the apprehension she felt.

“Who is your … friend?” Draegan, as he had told Ember to call him, asked, gesturing to Drake.

“Oh, this is Drake.” Ember introduced.

There was a pregnant silence as the vampires regarded Drake. Ember held her breath; she wasn’t sure if she could live in this city without Drake by her side, but his staying was no longer her decision to make.

Draegan nodded slowly, “We will have a room made up for him.”

Ember let out her breath and smiled, but she could see that Mason looked sour.

The though of rooms made Ember nervous, she didn’t know what would be expected of her. Was she supposed to share a bed with Mason, even before they were married? Her heart sped up with nervousness and fear at the very thought.

Drake could sense her anxiety and gave her a small smile. Ember relaxed slightly; at least Drake would be here with her now.

Draegan then insisted on giving Ember and Drake a complete tour of the palace. Ember was soon acquainted with every corner of the building, despite the numerous hallways and rooms. To Ember, living in the palace seemed like it would be similar to life in the caves – constantly dark with hundreds of different roads to take.

Ember sighed; life here would be nothing like living with the Pack. The other lycans had loved her at home, but here every vampire they passed gave both Drake and Ember a stony look.

Their red eyes disturbed Ember the most, even more than their fangs. Their eyes seemed to glow with such a vibrant red, like a fire in a heath, but at the same time they held no warmth. Ember became suddenly aware of how much she and Drake would stick out here. Their eyes alone set them apart from the vampires.

“And this will be your room, Ember.” Draegan said as he opened a door, snapping Ember out of her thoughts.

The room was small, but cozy, with a fireplace, dresser, and a queen sized bed. There were two doors in the room, which Ember assumed led to a closet and bath room. Off to the left side of the space was a large window with thick drapes pulled across so no light could get in.

“This is the best room in the whole palace for … non-vampire guests,” Daergan explained, “But I would advise you to be careful with that window.”

Ember nodded, understanding his concern. Vampires burned to nothing but a crisp in direct sunlight.

“And you should enjoy that window while you can,” The king continued, “When you and Mason are married, your room obviously won’t have any windows.” Draegan chuckled as if enjoying his own personal joke, “Drake, you’re room will be one door down on the right, the maids will make it up for you soon.”

With that, the king left them and Mason quickly followed without a backward glance.

“Home sweet home,” Ember mumbled as she stepped into her new room.