Just Because I'm In Heat Doesn't Mean You Can Mate With Me

Just Because I'm In Heat Doesn't Mean You Can Mate With Me

Name: Mahdis
Meaning: like the moon
Age: 19
Breed: werewolf
Looks: long black hair, red eye’s, pale white skin

Name: Ariabod
Meaning: Tribe leader
Age: 21
Breed: werewolf
Looks: long red and black hair, ruby eye’s, peach color skin

Her life: I am a werewolf and this is the month that I'm in heat. As I walk through the woods on all four's, I had to be careful because that were male werewolves about. If they smelled my scent I was in for it then because when werewolves mate we are mated for life, and I didn’t want that yet. It was night and I was looking for food by the river when I heard it. I heard paw prints and lots of them too.
I turn around and saw not one but three werewolves all male. Well, well look at what we got here” said the gray wolf walking closer to me. I sat down so he wouldn't smell me in heat but it was to late. “She in heat” he said smiling at me. “So who gets to clamed her as his” said the brown wolf?
“It should be me, I smelled her first” the gray wolf said. “No way Harry, everyone knows that your sperms are too weak to get the job done right” said the white wolf said. Just then they all started to argue on who was going to mate with me. Then a fight break out, as the fought I made my get away. I was a yard away from them now.
“That was the end of that” I said looking back. When I turned around I tough I pumped into a tree but, when I looked up it was other male werewolf. “Well, look at what I got” he said getting behind me. Then he did something that even if werewolves do it I don’t like it. He suck his nose to my butt and took a big smell of it. “Ahhhhhhhhh your in heat” he said.
I smacked him in the face with my tail. Then he bit me on my back leg and dragged me back to the river. When we got there the males were still fighting. He then put my leg back down, then let out a howl and they stopped fighting. I was about to leave but, then he grab my tail with his teeth and jerked me back.
I looked back and saw that they all were looking at me. Then said “Boys this female is in heat and as leader of the pack she is mine and only mine.” “We saw her first, Ariabod” Harry said. He gave him and dirty look and that was the end from that. “Now” he said looking that me.
“You will follow us back home where you will stay and later on in the month around the time when your season is over, I will mate with you and bare my pups.”
(Just to let you know everyone in their wolf form and on all four's.) “NO, I WILL NOT BE MATED TO YOU IN A MONTH” I said! “Fine then, we can mated right now” he said about to mount me and enter me. Then I said “Ok, ok I'll go along.”
“That's a good mate of mine” he said getting off of me and walking in front of me. I stood right where I was until one of the males pushed me to move ahead. I knew in two weeks I would but his mate for life, I‘m not ready to be a wife and mother now I got to much to do with my life to think about settling down. How was I going to get myself out of this mess!?
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