Just Because I'm In Heat Doesn't Mean You Can Mate With Me

Just Because I'm In Heat Doesn't Mean You Can Mate

After walking for a while we came upon a big mansion. “Ok guys we’re home” Ariabod said as he unlocked door and open it. They all went inside but me, I stood outside. “Come on in” he said opening the door wider. I walked in and looked around at the place and I must say for a house that has four guys living in it, it’s pretty clean.
(They in their human form now and naked.) “Ok guys get some clothes on and hit the hay, I’ll see you in the morning for breakfast.” before they all walked away i ask them what their names were? "I'm Max" said the one with red hair. "I'm David" the one with green hair said. "You already know me as Harry"one with black hair said. They all said goodnight and went up stairs to their rooms and shut the door.
“Come with me I'll show you to our room” he said walking to the stairs. I stood there and said “Did you said “our” room?” he turned around and said “Yes our room, I’m not letting you out of my sight at nighttime.”
I rolled eyes and followed him up stairs. I walked a head of him and next thing I knew I felt a slap on my butt. I stop and turned around and look at him mad and pissed. “What you better get use to it because your going to be a my woman soon and that bottom of your is going to be mine.” I just glared at him and continued walking.
We soon stop at the last door at the end of the hallway. “Here we are” he said opening the door and walking in. I slowly walked in and saw the room. It had everything a guy would have in it.
“Now you wait here and I’ll get you some clothes.” he then walk to a door, open it and went in. There was other door and I walked over to it and open it. It was a bathroom a five suite bathroom at that. “Didn’t I say wait right there.”
I jumped and turn around to see Ariabod standing there in front of me with clothes in his hands. “Here you go” he said handing them to me. I took them and put them on, they were a little big but, that was ok. I looked that him and saw he wasn’t naked anymore, sure he didn’t have a shirt on but he had on sweat pants. “Come along time for bed” he said pushing me to the bed.
We both got on one side of the bed and clime in under the covers. He turn to me and said “Goodnight my dear.” I said “Goodnight” as well and turn my back to him and fell into a deep sleep.
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