Just Because I'm In Heat Doesn't Mean You Can Mate With Me

Just Because I'm In Heat Doesn't Mean You Can Mate

I was a sleep on the couch when I felt someone shake me. I open my eyes and saw Ariabod in front of me.

“Hay you think you could move me and the boys want to watch the game” he said.

“Oh, ok then.”

I got up and moved to the lazy boy chair. Just as I was getting back to sleep some one else shook me.

“You can’t sit there either that’s my chair” said Max waiting for me to move out of his sit.

I just looked at him and turn my back to him.

“Ok little girl you need to get up from there now or I’m going to move you myself.”

All I did was gave him the finger and kept laying there.

“Alright that’s it.”

Next thing I knew I was being pick up carried to the other side of the room and drop on the floor.

“That’s your sit there” max said walking back to his sit I was just sitting in.

I glare that him and turn to look at Ariabod, to see if he was going to do anything about it.

“Ariabod, you saw what he just did to me right?!”

Ariabod look at me then to Max and back to me again and said “Well baby you were in his chair after all and he asked you to move but you sat there, what can I do you had it coming”

Then turn his head back to the TV. I looked at him like “What the fuck!?”

“What kind of man are you if you won’t stick up for your owe woman?!” Ariabod turned to look at me with a smirk on his face and said

“Oh, now your mine woman, uh?”

I started to get red in the face and yelled

“Fine then I’ll take care of it myself!”

I stood up and brush myself off and walked back over to max while swinging my hips so the boys would see my butt swing left to right. Ariabod knew I had a plan but he wanted to wait and see how things went. I walked until I stood in front of max.

He looked up at me and said “You can look all you want but I will not move from this chair.”

“That’s ok, I’ll just sit on you lap then” I said in a sexy as I sat on him.

I put my legs over the arm of the chair and lean my back on the other arm. Max didn’t know what to do because he was red in the face and it wasn‘t anger either. I put my arms around Max’s neck and lean into his chest and said

“You know max there’s an old trick the female’s of my old pack use to use on male’s.”

My hand made circle’s on his chest and slowly made it’s way below his waist.

“Really now, what trick is that” he said get all turned on by me touching him.

Just as I was about reach manhood I ball my hand in a fist and punch down on his manhood hard. I then stood up and watch him as he held hid cock and balls.

“OH….GOD” he said in a high voice!

He then falls out of the chair and rolls into a ball still in pain. I sit back down in the chair and put my feet up on him like he was a footstool. I turn to the other guys who were trying not to laugh at their friend. Ariabod on the other hand look at me when an eyebrow leafed up.

I look at him and said “Hay if I’m going to be your mate then I’m going act like an alpha female.” All he did was smile at and turn back to the game as did I.
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redone hope you like it