The Truth Revealed

Chapter 14: Nothing

Xiomara POV:

We are eating dinner together across from each other in the dinning room where there's a candle lit room, flowers ( red roses), my favorite food (Chicken Alfredo), and sparkling apple cider. I stood in the door way and was just shocked. When did he pull this off i asked myself.

Carlos came up behind me put his arms around me and said " I see that you like it"

"When did you do this?" I asked

"It didn't take alot of effort babe. I asked the rents to go out so we could spend some time alone. Had the chef cook your favorite, and asked El to buy the candles and roses before she came to the hospital"

"Baby" I said as i turned around in the embrace

"Yeah hon" he asked

"Thank you" I said as a kissed him on the lips and let it linger for a while

"I was more then happy to do it, now come on sit down and eat"

We where half way through dinner when i say:

" I don't know how to say this" I said


" I love you but"

"But what?"

"I don't think that i love you yet as the man I'm gonna marry" i said and moved my head down some so that i wasn't looking at him

He put his hand under my chin and said " Baby it doesn't matter you are my wife . I fucking love you with ever fiber of my being. You don't have to love me as your husband or as your fiance yet."

"But, i feel bad that i don't feel the same way"

"You don't have to feel bad, just knowing that you love me and are going to be my wife is enough"

"This might sound weird but... I love you as a boyfriend... but as every day passes my love for you grows."

"Baby that's more than i can ever ask for. I never thought that you would ever be okay with this. But I'm grateful and thank god everyday that you are. You are my one true love"

I start cry and i can't control my tears taking deep shallow breathes but it's not working

Carlos sees me crying and says "Xiomara" then stands up and walks over to me and put his hand out for me to grab. I grab his hand and he pulls me up and into a comforting hug.

"Don't cry baby" I hear him say

After about a while i stop crying, he pulls me back a little gets down one knee and says "Will you do me the honor of being my wife"

I gasp and look at him and say "Yes, yes i would love to"

The tears start to fall again

Carlos says "Baby" then puts his arm around me and pulls me into a heated kiss.

When we have the need to breathe we pull apart. I smile at him he smiles back and just holds me for a while. I finally say " I love you"

Carlos says "I love you too baby, you wanna go to bed?"


"What ever your heart desires" he picks me up bridal style and i just laugh I'm so happy

We reach our room and he places me on the floor

"Thank you baby" I say as i kiss him

"You're welcome babe"

When he sits down on the bed he pulls me into his lap

"I'm so happy" I say

"I'm happy to just be around you"

"Carlo" I whisper into his ear


"I love you" I whisper as i put my hands on the sides of his face and kiss him it was gentle but it didn't take away any of the passion

When i pull away he says "I love you too baby"

"lets change and go to sleep"

I go to the bathroom and change into a tank top and pajama pants

Carlos changed in the room into a white beater and pajama pants

I walk over to the lay down next to him

He puts his arm around me close as we watch a DOG the bounty hunter marathon

He feels so warm and comfortable i say in my mind

Half way through the marathon the rents came back and came in to say good night . I hugged them both goodnight. Then Maria asked "What did you guys do?" with a smile on her face

"Nothing, we just ate dinner and... got engaged" I smiled as i said so

I put my hand out to show Maria my ring

"It's beautiful" Maria said smiling

"You made a great choice son" Luciano said

"What?" I asked confused

"He wouldn't let us go with him to pick it out" Luciano said

"He said he'd know when he saw it" Maria explained

"And he did know" Luciano said

They both gave Carlos and I a hug and then left to go to sleep

When the marathon is done it's 11:30pm

"Time to go to sleep babe" Carlos says as he lets go of me to turn the lights off on the night stand

He pulls me close to him so that he's spooning me and says "I love you Xiomara always have always will"

"I love you"

"I love you too"

"You mean anything to me"

"You mean everything to me too"

"Always have love you"

"Always will"

"Goodnight honey"

"Goodnight baby"

Carlos POV:

"Sweet dreams" I whispered into her ear

I feel asleep listening to the beating of her heart

The beating heart of my wife

The beating heart of my one true love

The woman that i want to spend the rest of my life with

"I love you" I whispered to her sleeping form
♠ ♠ ♠
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