The Truth Revealed

Chapter 17: I never wanted any of this

Xiomara POV:

"I'm waiting" Carlos said

"For what?" I asked

"For you to tell me"

"Tell you what?"

"Why you took off your ring"

"Your more public than I am"

"That's no excuse"

" The engagement party Is going public tomorrow anyway"

"Which is why you should have kept it on"

"Don't tell me what I have to do"

By now Carlos and I were arguing and loud, every one on the jet had to be able to hear. No one on the jet is aloud to tell anything about this to anyone especially the press about what we do or say while we're on the jet or close to it. Confidentiality agreement much. Well except John and David who can talk to our parents if it was really important.

"I'm not"

"Why are you so worked up by this?"

"I'm not"

"Then what are you doing trying to make me feel bad"

"I'm not trying to"

"Then maybe we should tell the public why we really are getting married"

"You know we can't do that"

"I never fucking wanted any of this" I said then walked to the bathroom and locked myself in

--------------Carlos POV:---------------

"Fuck" I said then put my head in my hands

"Carlos" I heard John said

He walked over to me put a hand on my shoulder and said Go talk to her"

"She needs time"

"She needs you"

"We never fought like this when we where just best friends"

"You never had anything to argue about"

"I think at times this arrangement never should have been made"

"Don't think like that"


"Cause she needs you as much as you need her"

"Needing one another isn't a cause for marriage"

"You also love her"

"That I do"

"She also loves you"

"I can't speak for her"

"I know how you two look at each other is a loving look"

"Yeah" I said thinking about all the things that I've had with Xiomara

"All relationships have problems"

"Maybe if we would have went out first"

"You can't think of the what ifs"

"I love her"

"So be there resolve the problems, don't ignore them they won't go away by themselves"

"You're right"

"So go talk to her"

I sighed and got up I was about to knock when I heard her cry. God what have I done, I asked mentally kicking myself. I made a promise to her and myself that I would never hurt her. So what was I doing now?

I walked back to my seat and sat down

"Well" David asked

"She's crying man"

"So go and fix your shit up" David said clearly getting annoyed

"I know but"

"No buts get off your ass and comfort her"

"You're right" I said getting up

"Would you mind" I asked while walking away

"Of course not" John said while he got up and dragged David to the other room closing the door that separated the two rooms close.

I sighed then walked towards the bathroom door

I knocked

---------------Xiomara POV:---------------

I heard someone knocking at the door, I sniffled then said "Yeah"

"Mara (Carlo's nickname for Xiomara), please come out" I heard Carlos say

"Why should I so you can make me feel worse"

"We need to talk things out"

I got up and unlocked the door and stepped out

"Please Mara talk to me"

"You should be the one talking"

"You're right, can we sit down and talk about this"


We walked over to the couch and sat down as Carlos sat not to far away from me

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have assumed anything and yelled at you"

"It's partly my fault too"

"We should have talked about the rings before we left the house"

"It would have been best"

"I'm so sorry that I made you cry and upset, I promised you that I wouldn't hurt you in any way, but I broke that promise and for that I'm sorry"

"Carlo It wasn't just your fault"

"I know but, I made you cry"

"A lot of things make me cry"

"I caused that pain, I hate to see you cry baby" Carlos said then took my hand and kissed it

"I don't like seeing or hearing you hurt in any way" Carlos said looking into my eyes

"I'm sorry" Carlos said then kissed me

When he pulled away he said "I'll try harder so that we wont end up arguing"

"I'll try too"

"I love you"

"I love you too"

***********Ten minutes later******

"Coast clear" John asked while he poked his head through the door

"Yeah" I said while laughing

Carlos put his arm around me and said "You bet"

"See that's what I like to see" David said smiling

"Where's my hug" John said

I laughed then said "Here" while getting up

I gave him a hug then I heard David said "Ok...Ok.. my turn"

I laughed then when John let go I walked over to David and gave him a hug

David said " I glad things are better for you two, let me see a smile"

When David let go Carlos came and hugged me from behind and pulled me close

"I missed doing this" Carlos said

"I missed you doing this" I said back with a smile

"See there it is the smile that I love" David said

"I love you" Carlos said

"I love you too" I said back

"When are we gonna land" I asked

"About 30 minutes, why?" Carlos said

"Cause I want to change"

"Go ahead honey"

I picked up my carry on bag and went to the bathroom when I came out I had this

When Carlos saw me his eyes where huge

"God damn Mara"

"You like" I said as I turned in a circle

"Fuck yeah"

"When do we land?" I asked with a smile on my face

"5 minutes"

"Okay" I said as I put all my stuff back in my bag and closed it then put it away under my seat

I sat next to Carlos and I saw him staring

"Do you like what you see?"

"Hell yeah"

I smiled and shook my head
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