The Truth Revealed

Chapter 20: I don't wanna loose her

*Carlos POV:*

--*In the hospital* --

I grabbed Xiomaras hand and said " I'm sorry Mara for everything" and then I felt the tears fall

"I hate that I put you in this position baby I never thought that any thing like this would ever happen to any one that I knew. I love you your are the light in my life and the stars that shine bright. You'll full of mystery and I love that with you I never know what you're gonna do."

I thought to myself as I sat outside her room I had my elbows clasped together on top of my knees, my chin was touching my hands and my eyes where closed shut as I cried my knees shaking as I sobbed for my love

"Carlos" I heard a familiar voice

I opened my eyes and saw John

I stood up and leaned against the wall

"Dude, It's gonna be OK" David said then pulled me into a hug

"She's a fighter" John said

"Yes, she is"

" I don't wanna loose her " I said as I cried

"You're not going to" David said

When we pulled apart John asked " You good?"


I sat back down and closed my eyes

"Did you contact everyone?" I asked David

"Yup" David answered

"Maritza, Ezperanza, and your parents are flying out should be here in 1and a 1/2 to 2 hours"

"Her boss said to take 4 days off"

"Her parents should be here in 10 minutes"


I was waiting there for an 1 and 40 minutes impatiently if I might add

"Hurry up, hurry up, hurry up!" I said out loud as I paced

My now with Xiomara's rents where there and let me tell you I wasn't the only impatient one I hate waiting ugh!

"Sit down you're making me dizzy" Maritza said

"I can't just sit still" I responded



I sat down but couldn't completely sit still so my knees where shaking

"Dude chill" John said

"I can't" I said

Everyone just rolled their eyes and looked away

Finally the doctor came out

"Hello everyone" he said

"I'm sorry to be rude but how is she, can I go in, what took so long"

"Wow one question at a time"

"She seems fine,yes, and the results of the X Rays"

"How will she feel"

"She'll be unconscious for a while how long I'm not sure. She'll have difficulty talking, eating and drinking. So limit the amount of time you talk to her have her write things out for the next 4 days. If she's uncomfortable in any way make sure she comes back."

"I will, thank you doctor"

"It was my pleasure"

"I have a question about her"


"I noticed she has an engagement ring"


I smiled at his mention of the ring

"She's my fiance"

"I knew you cared for her, congratulations"

"Thank you"

"Your welcome, I must leave I have to make rounds"

"Thank you doctor"

"Your welcome"


"Good bye" he said as he walked away and waved

Just then I heard my name I looked in the direction and saw my parents

"Mom, Dad" I said as they walked towards me and engulfed me in a tight hug

"I thought I lost her" I chocked out as the tears feel

"We thought so to, but she's a fighter"

"She is"

"We can go see her now"

"She can't talk, eat or drink, alot. She's unconscious for now their not sure for how long though"

"That's understandable"

"What happened to William"

"He's in custody if it's considered serious enough they'll have to go to trial he has a hearing in a month"


"She's getting a restraining order, and pressing charges end of discussion" Luciano said

"Exactly" everyone said

The guards, Ezperanza and Maria were sitting across from the bed

The rents where on the left of her

I was on the right side

"Everyone I'm gonna try to get her out of consciousness by singing I don't mind if you guys hear" I said

"Really, I haven't heard you sing in a while honey" Maria said

"I know"

"Mind if I record honey"


"You'll can I don't really care"

I took Xiomara's hand and started to sing

El amor es una magia.
Una simple fantasia.
Es como un sueño,
Y al fin lo encontre.

Es como una luz,
Que se esparce por el alma,
Y recorre como el agua,
Hasta que llena el corazon.

Y va creciendo y creciendo,
Como nubes en el cielo,
Dando vueltas por el mundo,
Es increible, asi es el amor,
Y al fin lo encontre (x2)

El amor te ciega,
Aunque aveces te engaña.
El amor es pureza,
Si es que a alguien tu amas.
El amor te atrapa,
Y de el nunca escaparas.
Solo tienes que aprender a amar, amar.

Y va creciendo y creciendo,
Como nubes en el cielo,
Dando vueltas por el mundo,
Es increible, asi es el amor,
Y al fin lo encontre. (x2)

El amor te ciega,
Aunque aveces te engaña.
El amor es pureza,
Si es que a alguien tu amas.
El amor te atrapa,
Y de el nunca escaparas.
Solo tienes que aprender a amar, amar.

El amor es una magia.
Una simple fantasia.
Es como un sueño,
Y al fin lo encontre.

Es como una luz,
Que se esparce por el alma,
Y recorre como el agua,
Hasta que llena el corazon.

As I was singing I had my eyes closed

When I was done I heard my mom say "Aww honey that was beautiful"



"You did an amazing job" Maria said

"Thank you, I would do anything for her I said as I moved her hair out of her face

"We all know that you love her" Ezperanza said

"So much"

I started to cry again

"Son what's wrong?" Luciano asked

"I thought I lost her and I feel like when ever I'm around her Is when she gets hurt. It could have been prevented if I hadn't..."

"Son stop, you can't blame yourself for what happened, It wasn't your fault"

"How come I feel like it was"

"Because you where there, you feel guilt"

"I feel guilty because I brung her there"

"You care son, but you have to admit to yourself that It couldn't have been prevented"

"Yes It could of"

"You did the best thing you stayed with her"

I sighed and and looked down

"I brought us both matching cross but in different colors I know that she was upset when her other one broke so I brought her one. I thought It would be a way to keep her closer to my heart."

"Can we see it?" David asked

"Yeah, I was gonna give it to her before I left to go back to Puerto Rico but I didn't get the chance"

I went into my pocket and took out a box and opened it inside where both our crosses

"That was a great Idea" John said

"We need to keep our faith"

"That we do"

I took mine out and put it on

I took Xiomara's out and put it on her

"Dios te bendiga" (god bless you)" I said to Xiomara

"One more song son please" Maritza asked

"OK I'd be happy to"

I took Xiomaras hand and looked down at her as I sung

Yo sin ti undirme y me estremesco
Si veo caer tus lagrimas
Yo me arrepiento del mal que aya hecho
Si veo caer tus lagrimas

Yo te consuelo, te abrazo y te beso
Si veo caer tus lagrimas
Y no quisiera ya nunca volver a enjugar tus lagrimas

El lenguaje mudo de tu pena
La callada voz de tu tristesa
La expresion mojada de tu alma
La visible muestra de que me amas
De pasiones ondas y de heridas
De dolor profundo y de alegrias
La palabra fiel de tu amargura
La verdad final que tu no ocultas

Yo sin ti undirme y me estremesco
Si veo caer tus lagrimas
Yo me arrepiento del mal que aya hecho
Si veo caer tus lagrimas

Yo te consuelo, te abrazo y te beso
Si veo caer tus lagrimas
Y no quisiera ya nunca volver a enjugar tus lagrimas

El lenguaje mudo de tu pena
La callada voz de tu tristesa
La expresion mojada de tu alma
La visible muestra de que me amas
De pasiones ondas y de heridas
De dolor profundo y de alegrias
La palabra fiel de tu amargura
La verdad final que tu no ocultas

When I was done I saw Xiomara move

"She's moving" I said

"Mara can you hear me hon?" I asked

"Carlos?" I heard her ask

"Yes baby I'm right here, everyone's here for you honey. Try not to talk"

She blinked a couple of times and then opened her eyes

--*Xiomara POV:*--

I felt something cold around my neck so I touch it and it was metal

I looked down and saw that it was a cross

I look at Carlos and see that he has the same one but in a different color I saw his eyes he's been crying

"You like it?" Carlos asked

I shook my head yes cause I knew It hurt to talk

I looked around and saw everyone there I smiled at all of them

I looked at my mom and put one of hands over the other and moved one hand telling that I need paper and a pen

"I get it from the front desk"

I mouth thank you and she said your welcome

When she came back I wrote "You've been crying?" and handed it to Carlos

"Yes" he wrote back


"I thought I lost you"

I looked at him and smiled

"I love you" I wrote

"I love you too" then he bent down and kissed me

"Awwww" I heard

I just ignored them

I wrote "Do I look bad mom?" on it

She answered by saying "No"

I then wrote "Can I have a mirror?"

"Sure thing honey"

She came back and handed me the mirror I didn't look that bad except for my neck

When I saw my neck I started to cry

When I handed the mirror back to my mom she saw my tears everyone did and they all looked worried

"What's wrong?" Everyone asked simultaneously

When I started to sob my parents got up and both pulled me into a hug

They both where rubbing my back

I closed my eyes and cried

"Honey" my dad said

"It's ok" my mom said
♠ ♠ ♠
I know I've said it like twice before but I really loved this chapter longest one ever
The 1st song is El Amor by Tito El Bambino
The 2nd song is Lagrimas by Aventura
You can get the English version by searching for them in goggle putting the author and the name of the song then putting English version at the end or by putting the author and the name of the song and clicking the translate button next to a website name in the search results
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