The Truth Revealed

Chapter 22: Oh man

Xiomara POV:

* In the limo*

I heard my PDA beep

I pressed the date and this screen came up

I clicked on it and it read “Nelz’s Birthday Party

“Oh man” I said

“Jack turn around please” I asked

“Of course” Jack said

“Thank you”


“What’s wrong?” Carlos said

“Nelz’s Birthday Party is today”

“Oh man”

“What time is it?”


“It starts at 4:30"

“We got enough time”

10 minutes later Jack pulled into the drive way

I stepped out the limo and walked up the stairs

* Xiomara’s House*

I explained to my mom the situation and then walked upstairs to my room

I picked up Carlos’s and my present for Nelisah

“Mami?” I said


“You can ride with us if you like?”

“That’s ok, how about I take Reyna with us?”

“If you like”

“I’ll wait for her near the car”


I walked over to the limo and opened the door

“Reyna” I said


“How about you ride with Maritza”

“Okay” she said then skipped over to my dad’s car

Reyna turned around then said “I love you”

“Love you too cuz” I said

I laughed then stepped into the limo

* In the limo*

“Where Reyna go?”

“She’s ridding with mami”


“What you get her?” I asked Carlos

“A Hollister and Aeropostale Jacket, you?”


“Great choice”

“Thanks you too”

When we pulled up to Nelisah’s house. People acted as if they never seen a limo before. People can be really noisy. I’m a nosy person so I can’t judge, but just saying. Jack opened the door, Carlos stepped out than helped me out. Jack stepped back into the limo then rode away.

Carlos put his arm around my waist and we walked up the driveway

* Nelisah’s House*

I was greeted with people screaming “Letty”

“Hi everyone” I said

My aunt Bianca came up to me gave Carlos and I a hug than said “ Look at you too”

Carlos and I laughed

“Let me see the ring” Bianca asked

At this point everyone knew about the engagement party because the invitations where sent out. The engagement party is to be the next day Saturday the 2 of May. The engagement went public and everyone knew about it.

I held my hand out and all I heard was “Wow” and a lot of them

“You have a great choice in jewelry” Bianca said

“Thank you” Carlos said

“I knew that you too would end up together” my uncle Raymundo said

“I’m glad that we did” I said smiling

Carlos tightened his grip on my waist and I looked up

He smiled down at me and said “Te amo”

“Te amo tambien” I said

“Beso, beso, beso ( kiss, kiss, kiss)” people were chanting

I nodded and Carlos put his hand under my chin ad lifted it so I would look up at him, he leaned down and kissed me gently. We lasted for a minute. When we pulled apart he was smiling at me and I smiled back. Now Carlos is only 3 inches taller than me, it’s not that big a difference.

“Aww” People said

Carlos and I smiled and laughed

“Let’s go find the birthday girl” I said to Carlos

I found Nelisah at the other end of the yard

I put my hands over her eyes and said “Guess who?”

“Letty” Nelisah said

“Aw man” I said

She Turned around and hugged me “Long time no see cuz”

“I know, I’ve been busy”

“Carlos” she exclaimed then went to hug Carlos

Carlos hugged her than said “ Hey girlie what’s up”

“Nothing, you?”

“Dealing with you’re crazy cuz” he said than laughed

I looked up glared at him then hit him on the chest

“Hey” Carlos exclaimed

“Your mouth” I said


We were talking for a while when Bianca came back and said “I need the Birthday girl”

“See you later” I said as she walked away

“Let’s go find a table” Carlos said


We ended up at a table with my cousins

I was greeted by “Hey cuz”

“Hey guys, what’s up”

“Nothing compared to you” Jose said

“That’s true, I’ve been busy”

A couple minutes later Carlos said “I’m getting a drink you want something?”

“Tequila and Orange Juice please”


Carlos came back with our drinks and we drank as we talked with my cousins

When we were done with our drinks Carlos and my song came on

Carlos got up and said “May I have this dance”

“Of course” I said and took his hand

“El amor ” by Tito El Bambino is our song by the way

The song is kind of upbeat so we danced salsa

He put his arm around my waist and the other in my hand

Carlos twirled me, spined me, and swung me around

When the song was done we danced a slow song

Carlos put his hands around my waist and I put mine around his neck

“Te amo Xiomara”

“Yo te amo tambien Carlos”

“I know that this isn’t what you might have imagined, but I wouldn’t have it any other way. You mean everything to me you’re my world and the reason that I’m happy . Te amo mi amor” Carlos whispered to me

I felt like crying he can be so dame amazing to me

“Carlos you’re the reason for my happiness, the reason that I have been able to get through everything that has come my way. The reason that I don’t sit in a corner and cry the whole day, the reason that I am the way that I am. This isn’t what I imagined for myself but I have you to help me get through it. Ta amo mi corazon” I whispered

I placed my head on his shoulder and closed my eyes breathing in his Cologne

We danced another slow song than went back to the table

3 hours later we went back home

*Xiomara’s House*

Everyone went upstairs to go bed

Carlos and I took our showers and changed into our pajamas

I was at the door when Carlos said “Were are you going?”

“To say goodnight to Reyna, you wanna come?” I asked


Carlos and I walked to Reyna’s room and saw her getting ready to go to sleep

“Hey” Reyna said

“Hey we came to say goodnight”

“Thank you”

“You’re more than welcome”

“Good night and sweet dreams cuz” I said

“Good night Xiomara”

“Good night and sweet dreams Reyna” Carlos said

“Good night Carlos”

“You want any music” I asked Reyna

“Ocean please”


I walked over to the touch screen that controls what happens in the room and touched music then ocean sounds to go on the room speakers

Carlos and I walked over to the door and as I walked out I whispered “Good night” than closed the door behind me

Carlos and I were back in my room, we are lying down on my bed with Carlos behind me spooning me

“I love you” Carlos said

“I love you too baby”

“Xiomara can we talk about something?” Carlos asked

I turned over in his embrace and looked into his eyes

“Talk about what?” I asked

“I know that you don’t want to talk about it but it needs to be discussed”

“What needs to be discussed?”

“Xiomara I would like to have a son or daughter run around our houses, and call me daddy”


"You what?"

“I don’t think that I’m ready to have kids yet”

Carlos took my hand and said “You’ll be a wonderful mother, you’re amazing with kids”

“I love kids but my childhood messed me up”

“I know that you had a bad childhood baby but, you’re not your mother”

“I don’t want to be like my mother was to me to my kids” I said than cried

“Xiomara” Carlos said than pulled me into a hug
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