The Truth Revealed

Chapter 28: This is it

* Thursday*

*Xiomara POV*

I turned the annoying alarm clock off

“This is it” I whispered to myself

Today was my last day here. As of today I live no longer live in the Oliveras Hose hold. I’m moving I’m gonna live with my Fiancé and his family. I thought to myself as I got out the shower and changed

I’ll leave my hair curly today

Then I went downstairs ate breakfast said bye to everyone including employees then got into the limo. Yes I decided to take the limo today

When I stepped out. Lulu was the first one to come up to me and hug me so freaking tight

“I’m gonna miss you” She said

“I’m gonna miss you too” I said hugging her back

After she let me go from her death grip every body else came and hug me and gave me presents and told me how much their gonna miss me. I was leaving early that day so that I could surprise Carlos at his school.

I said” bye” to every teacher and friend in the building

I had handed in all my work and books the day before and cleared my locker


I had about 3 guys following me with pizza boxes

Yes me being the nice person that I am brought everyone in that lunch wave pizza as a departing gift.

I stood up on a table chair and said “People” and yes I got their attention

“I have brought everyone pizza from Gyro Kings, as a little gift” as soon as I said that everyone started cheering cause the stuff that you don’t buy for lunch is kinda gross

“Everybody dig in, but no more than 2 at a time got it”

Everyone came up and gave me a hug than said thank you than went and got their pizza

I paid the pizza delivery guys $140 dollars not bad for 16 boxes of pizza

I grabbed 2 for the principal and than 2 for the secretary they’ve been super nice to me

I gave them their pizza then they both gave me a hug than gave me a gift

After lunch I walked to the front entrance and saw the limo. I said “Bye” to my close group of friends again. Every one of my friends, teachers who had me, secretary, and principal waved to me as I pulled out the school’s driveway. I waved back smiling

All my stuff was piled into the waiting jet, I said "bye" to my driver ken for the last time in a while and boarded the jet

I looked at my phone and saw that it read 1:30pm

I had enough time so I drove to my new home the Santiago’s, said “Hi” to everyone and the employees brung all my stuff up to Carlos’s room.

“Are you ready to go Xiomara” the chauffeur Jackson asked

“Yes” I said and walked down the stairs and into the Mercedes Benz

“We’re early by 5 minutes Xiomara” Jackson asked

“Perfect” I said

Jackson got out the car and opened my door

“Thank you”

“You’re welcome” he said and closed the door and walked over to talk to the only other chauffeur

I walked over to were I knew Carlos and his friends hung out

I got a lot of “ OMG it’s Xiomara Oliveras”, cat calls and I heard comments but I just shrug them off

Once I reached Carlos I put my hands on his waist and whispered “ Hey baby”

His face was price less

He turned around in my embrace wrapped his arms around my waist and I put mine around his shoulders. Yeah we did have a small make out session right there, but so what we’re getting married in less than a month.

When we pulled away we were smiling like idiots than Carlos hugged me than said “Hey babe”

“Hey what about us” Our Close friends Sean, Xavier, Violeta, Phoenix, Steaven, and kaylie said

Carlos and I both laughed then we let go of each other and hugged all of them

We had a little conversation then we said our good bye’s and walked to the car

“You like my surprise” I asked Carlos

“Very much” Carlos said

We had another small make out session in the car

*Next day Xiomara’s Birthday*

“Happy Birthday!” I heard people yell

“Go away” I yelled covering my self with the blanket

“Come on, you’re 15 today” Carlos said yanking the blanket off me

“Why Is it that you’re so much happier about this than I am” I said groaning and pushing my self up on the bed

I open my eyes and see Lydia, William, Carlos, John, and David

“Hey guys”

“Hey Princess” William said

“Hey dad”

“We have presents”

“Let me see, let me see” I said in the best baby voice that I could say

“You can see them, but we would like you to wear them at your party tomorrow”

“Fine” I said and crossed my arms over my chest and pouted

“Aw don’t pout, we love you”

“Love you too”

I got dressed let my hair stay curly and than walked downstairs to have breakfast

Carlos and I then walked into limo, Yes we took the limo since it was my birthday and then walked into the building.

“Happy birthday!!” My friends said bombarding my with hugs and presents

“Thank you guys” I said then we had a little conversation than Carlos and I walked to the Main Office

“Hello Xiomara, nice to see you again” the secretary said

“It’s nice to see you again”

“Here’s your schedule” she said while handing it to me

“Thank you”

“Wow” she said when she saw my engagement ring

“I know it’s gorgeous”

“You sure know how to pick Jewelry Carlos god”

“Thank you” Carlos said

We had a little laugh then I said “Can I see Mrs. Desteffano (Principle)”

“Yes, of course she’s expecting you”

“Thank you, I’ll see you later”

“Bye” she said than Carlos and I walked into the Principles office

“Xiomara” Jacky (Principle) said

“Jacky” I said than she hugged me and I hugged her back

Yes, I’m on friendly terms with the principle as well

“Have a seat” Jacky said

Carlos and I sat down in the 2 seats in front of her desk

“How are you Jacky?”

“I’m fine thank you, you?”

“Wonderful thank you” I said than smiled

“Okay, what’s up?”

“What you mean?”

“You’re super mega extra happy”

Carlos smiled then put his arm around my shoulder and that’s when she saw his engagement ring

Her eyes widened and then she said “No way”

“Yes, way” I said still smiling

“Let me see” she said

I put my hand up and showed her

“What a rock, when?” she said then smiled

“Almost a month” I said

“I want a invitation”

“In the mail”

“ I can’t believe it”

“Arranged marriage, but we love each other and that’s all that matters”

Carlos smiled then took my hand and played with the ring

“I still can’t believe it” Carlos said

“What” Jacky asked

“That I’m marrying the woman of my dreams”

Jacky smiled then I leaned up and pecked him on lips

“I love you too” I said

“Okay so now back to what you’re in here for” Jacky said

“Kay” I said

“You as well as Carlos will have nothing to do for a week”


“Because of these” she said and handed me this folder that had a lot of numbers and it had Carlo’s and my name on it

“What is it”

“You’re school is a week ahead in curriculum, and since you take all advance placement the only thing that would be reasonable for me to so is to make you a sophomore, I know that you don’t want to do that so the only thing left for me to do is to give you the rest of the year off but you still have come in for attendance.”

“As for you Carlos”

“Yeah” Carlos said

“You’re stats are as high as Xiomara’s so same goes for you. Except the only difference is that you’re ahead in all the work in you’re classes.


“All the teachers know that situation so there’s no problem”

“Okay” Xiomara and I said simultaneously

“You guys have all the same classes. So with that go to you’re first period classes, get a pass from the secretary and Xiomara, get your papers. First period started 10 minutes ago. Have a nice day”

“Bye” Xiomara and I said then walked out the office

We walked to our lockers which are next to each others than walked to first period. Carlos and I walked in together with his arm around my waist

“Hello, Xiomara” the teacher said


Yes all the teachers know me because I come quite often to see Carlos at his school

“Everyone we have a new student”

“Oh my god, It’s Xiomara Oliveras” almost everyone In the room said

Carlos and I laughed

“Okay seems like all of you know who she is” the teacher said

“Would you like to say something about your self”

“Sure” I said

“I like to listen to music, sing, draw, write, dance, act, talk, model, and to play instruments. I just transfered here from Metro High school”

“Any questions?” I later said

A skinny looking guy said “Are you two together”

Carlos and I looked at each then turned back to everyone and put our left hands up and said

“We’re engaged” simultaneously

“Aw man” all the guys in the class laughed then Carlos and I laughed for a while then pulled our selves together

“Any more questions” I hesitantly asked

A short Mexican girl ( Nothing against Mexicans) stood up and asked “What’s your GPA”

“4.2" I said

Some people were just starring at me “Okay, that’s enough questions” the teacher said

“Why don’t you guys go take a seat”

Carlos and I nodded then sat down near the back

We were in third period when John, David, and Elena came in

“Yes, how can I help you” the teacher asked

Elena handed her a slip and the teacher nodded

Carlos and I were just looking at them like what the hell

John did 3,5, 2, with his hands which means appointment in code

Carlos and I nodded and walked out with them

“So what we doing” I asked Elena once we were in the limo

“Dress shopping” El said

“Oh joy” I said

“Aw come on”

“Where they going tuxedo fitting”

I kissed Carlos on the lips and said by to the John then stepped out the limo

El, John and I got out the limo and walked into the dress shop where Lydia met us

“Hi mom” I said then kissed her on the cheek

“Hello sweet heart” she said then said

“Come on” she said and led me over to a rack of dresses

“Ugh we’ve been here for ½ an hour and still nothing” I said

“Come on you’ll find one" El said

I groaned but kept on looking

*5 minutes later*

“Oh my god that is so pretty" I said picking up a dress

“Go try it on”

Lydia and I walked into a dressing room and I fell in love with the dress

I walked out the dressing room and out into the front

“Oh my god” Elena said

“Wow” was all John said

“You look amazing” Lydia said then started crying

I was smiling against my reflection in the mirror

“I have something” Lydia said and took out a box from her purse that had the royal seal of Spain which was weird

She took out a tiara and put it on my head . “You look like a princess"

“This is the one” I said while smiling

I changed put the crown back in the box and then we left with my dress

Carlos in I got back in time for fourth period then we went to lunch and finished the day

*End of the day*

“Hello” I said as I picked up my phone

“Happy birthday sweet heart”

“Thank you mami”

“Your welcome”

“I’m sorry that we couldn’t be there but you’re father and I had an important meeting”

“It’s okay”

“Are you outside yet?”


“Go out side and see your gift”


I walked out the door and see my dream car with a gold bow and a banner saying happy birthday

“Oh my god” I said super loud

“I see that you like it” my mom said while laughing

“I freaking love it”

Carlos was leaning against the car holding the keys and flowers, smiling

“Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you.” I said

“Your welcome mija you deserve it”

“Thank you”

“Your welcome”

“Happy birthday, I’ll see you tomorrow, have a wonderful birthday sweet heart”

“Thank you mami”

“You welcome”

“Happy birthday” she said and hung up

I ran over to my car and saw all my close friend there

“Sweet car” Sean said

“I know” I said

I kissed Carlos on the lips

“Stop it” Xavier said

“Build a bridge and get over it” Carlos said then kissed me again

“Bye guys” I said as I took the ribbon off and put it in the back seat and took the keys

“Bye” they said

I opened the door put my purse and flowers in the back seat and closed the door

Carlos got in and then I turned the car on

“Oh yeah” I said and put my sunglasses on

“It has diplomatic plates thanks to our president”

“Even better”

“Let’s see how fast it can go”

“Oh god” Carlos said

“What, I got my permit”

“You’re gonna kill me”

“I’m a way better driver then you are”

“You wanna believe that go ahead”

“I know that”

“Wanna bet”

“Sunday me and you race”

“Really to where”

“The plaza”

“I win, I get you credit card”

“What If I win?”

“Yeah right”

“If I win, I pick what you wear to bed”

“You got a deal”

“Who ever get there first wins”
♠ ♠ ♠
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