Status: indefinite hiatus.

Lovely Day, T'isn't It?

Please, Leigh, Let me in.

Will watched Cedric as he placed the golden egg beneath the water and listened. Though he did not hear the sounds it made, he knew that something was happening by Cedric’s expression. As Cedric rose from the water he spoke.
“Mermaids. In the lake. They’re going to ‘take’ something from me and I have to retrieve it.” He said, astonishment heavy in his voice.
“Wonder what it could be.”
“No idea. How’d you know this would work?”
“Just a hunch.”
“No really, Will!”
“It’s just, when I was little, my mother always made me take a bath before bedtime. The egg’s screams sounded like my tantrums.” They laughed in unison before he spoke again. “So, Cedric. We’re both naked, in the prefect’s bathroom, with no one around…” Will laughed mischievously as he crawled on top of Cedric and kissed beneath his jaw. Cedric moaned and Will smiled as he knew exactly what he wanted to do that night.
Draco sat beside the lake after the first task and took out Blaise’s guitar from its case. Beside him lay a notebook into which he’d scribbled a few lyrics as he came up with them. He began singing as soon as he made sure that he was, in fact, alone.

Not just some beautiful girl,
She wipes my tears and soothes me ‘til I sleep,
Invading every single dream,
A secret I’ll forever keep.

Blue, bright, starlit eyes,
She sees right through me to my frigid heart,
Guiding my lost, worn soul,
From her I wish to never part.

Her golden hair, flowing through the wind,
Please, Leigh, let me in,
Feeling better than I’ve ever truly been,
Please, let me in,
Let me into your heart,
We’ll never be apart,
Just show me where to begin,
Please, Leigh, let me in.

Watching tears fall from her cheek,
I’d never seen such a sad face,
Made my heart almost break,
A memory I’d die to erase.

It hurt me to see her misery,
So down and lonely,
I only wish to be her comfort,
To be her one and only.

Her golden hair, flowing through the wind,
Please, Leigh, let me in,
Feeling better than I’ve ever truly been,
Please, let me in,
Let me into your heart,
We’ll never be apart,
Just show me where to begin,
Please, Leigh, let me in.

Her golden hair, flowing through the wind,
Please, Leigh, let me in,
Feeling better than I’ve ever truly been,
Please, let me in,
Let me into your heart,
We’ll never be apart,
Just show me where to begin,
Please, Leigh, let me in.

It surprised him how good it sounded with the guitar, but he just wasn’t sure if it was good enough. If he was going to ask her to go out with him he’d have to make a convincing argument. What he didn’t know was that Rhiannon was standing behind a tree, and had been using her wand to record the whole thing. As soon as Draco repacked the guitar in its case, he stood up and left, notebook in hand. At that moment, Rhia rushed from the shadows into the building and towards Slytherin common room, praying that Damien and Leigh would both have finished their dinners by then. She whispered the password before bolting up towards the room she and Leigh shared.
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