Hell on Earth

Chapter 2

As what seemed like years went by I began to shake from the chills running up my spine. I looked as Calli grasped both of my brothers and kept her eyes sealed tight. I began feeling a wave of nausea run over me as I realized the shaking had stopped.

“Stay here.” I direct towards the three of them, only Calli became to oppose but sooned backed down.

I crawled till I reached the edge of the table and out from underneath it. I continued shaking as I stood ,my knees worse than jell-o. I take a step forward almost falling but regain balance as I remember the six eyes watching me as if I was their savior. I take another step, the another until I regain my basic knowledge of walking once more.
I shiver as my feet run across the cold marble floor and the hole in the heel of my sock wasn’t helping. I look around and notice my entire world would be different. My house was destroyed and all of my stuff … even my black electric guitar I got two years ago. I gulp as I realize none of this will even matter if my parents aren’t all right.
I take a few more steps off of the marble onto carpeting as I ran my fingers along the paneling and continued down the hall dodging glass from the broken family pictures scattered all over the floor, from various vacations and me and my brothers’ school pictures. I wince as a piece goes into the bottom of my foot and I pull up my foot to pull it out, only a small piece but still painful. I walk a little further ignoring the wincing pain until I come to the first room. I reluctantly look in, afraid of what I may see, but both sad and uplifting there is no one there.
I continue farther into this new hell hole of a home (and not the usual teenage one) I finally decide on looking out the cracked windows before continuing. The hell hole of my home just became my haven as I look into the distraught streets of Berkley. Flames consuming front doors, blood curdling scream coming from small children and moaning from injured adults. Ruble from fallen houses and building lying in the once clean streets. I place my elbows on the window sill and put my face in my hands.

I think to myself ‘no, this can’t be happening. I’m dreaming, I always have these dreams…’

I look up, nothing has changed, I’m not dreaming. What is going on? Even an earthquake wouldn’t have done this. I continue down the hallway and feel the floor starting to slope downward. I reach for a door but it falls of it’s hinges before I touch it. I look in terrified amazement as I see piles of ruble but no house. Half of my house had collapsed. I start to scream as I see a hand from beneath piles of wood, an unmoving hand with an Adeline tattoo on the finger. I back away and start to run back taking short breaths and fighting the sting in my eyes. I reach the kitchen and look beneath the table to find Calli comforting Jakob and Jared who were hysterical. Both look up at me and come running wrapping their arms around my waist. Calli seems my dismay and comes over and wraps her arms around me too, as I comfort the boys, she comforts me.

We had no home, no parents, no life. Calli who had never really had a family didn’t want to go to her house, she could only pray they were all dead, and if they weren’t she prayed they thought she was. We decided to go see Tre or Mike, having nowhere else to go. We brought the warmest clothes we could find in my room since Jakob and Jared’s room were no longer there. We brought food and some water from the fridge, but just enough to get us there and possibly back if there was nothing to be found at either of their homes. I covered Jared’s head as we walked through the streets lined with the dead. No police or fireman to be found anywhere, no one to come to our rescue. What a wonderful world we live in where we can expect no form of hope in a time of crisis, where four kids walk through streets of the lifeless and have no way to turn. I looked down and into bright blue eyes. Ones supposed to be filled with life, Ante’s eyes, my best friend lay dead in front of me and my remaining family I cannot even mourn. I side step him and continue as Jake buries his head in my shoulder crying. I feel him start to shake but I keep going I cannot stop, we cannot stop, at least until we make to Mike’s.