Hell on Earth

Chapter 4

“Your alive! Your alive, all of you are alive!” Mike was alive, we had someone else.

He then pulled away from me and Calli and scooped up Jake and Jared. Cradling them both as they cried. I breathe in the stench of rotting flesh, burning rubber, and charred dreams while I keep my cool. My eyes drift downward to the delicate bundle that my hard ass friend used to be. What is happening to the world? One minute you are having a great time flinging food at your loved ones and the next you are clinging to life and keeping another one alive. Everything is just so confusing and wrong. This tragedy took my parents, my best friend, and nearly Calli.
“Joey, my truck is in pretty good condition… well compared to the rest of this shit hole. Lets go stay there for now until we can find real shelter.” Mike suggested.
I nodded and followed as he lay the boys in the bed of the pickup and I mimic his motions as I lay Calli next to them. All three were out and looked like orphans. Mud covered their faces and was smudged everywhere from their tears. I kissed each one on their foreheads before letting my legs dangle over the tailgate like Mike’s.

“We aren’t all alive…” I start to shake slightly as the lump in my throat starts to suffocate me. Mike just nods.
“I figured. At least you got your brothers out alive.” I look out into the fire and blood covered nothingness. I’ve never seen so much pain and no help… where are the police?
I look at my watch and notice it is only 7:30.
“Mike do you notice something out of place here?”
“Y-You ARE joking right?” he asks almost thoroughly disgusted.
“No.. I mean besides the fact that Berkeley has been reduced to Hell on Earth.”
“Not really I was too busy being distracted by chaos-filled streets and people in agony surrounding me. I’m so glad though that YOU had the time to notice anything else.” he snapped. “Oh… God.. Joey, I’m sorry. I u-uh, d-didn’t mean to s-sou-sound so…fuck” I felt his thin arms wrap around me as he broke down. Squeezing with all the energy he could muster. I feel his tears seeping through to my chest and at this moment he is just as small and innocent as Jacob. He too lost his world, life, family. We were the only things that Mike had left at this point and he was the only thing we had left.
Four Orphans wandering through the hate torn world alone wasn’t at all safe let alone sane in any means. I came here in hopes that Mike could protect us but now I feel as if we were rescuing him. I loved Mike, he was like my second father and now he was the only thing I had as a father. This only makes me wonder… where’s Tre? He was practically like my older brother… except more resembling my crazy drunkin’ uncle. God I hope he is ok…
I let my eyes wonder down and Mike has fallen asleep as well. I gently take off my hoodie and set it beneath his sweat-drenched head. Mike’s truck is enormous just for the record so I step over his body and walk up besides Calli and have a seat.
She is breathing more steadily but hasn’t woken up yet. I push her hair out of her face and try and get some of the ash from her cheek. I wasn’t exactly sure on what I was doing but I leaned in and gave her a small peck on her forehead. It was the first time I had ever actually touched in anything but a playful manner (besides carrying her to the truck) I lay down next to her fragile body and drape my arms tenderly across her waist and I slowly fall into that priceless sleep.

**sorry for the shortness but its like 2 AM comments??**