
Chapter 6

You probably already guessed it, but Max was sitting next to you. You stared at him for 10 minutes until he turned his head then you whispered "Finally" and he said "What?" So you said "I'll tell you after class." By the way there was only about 12 minutes left of class. You turn and look back at the teacher but can see from the corner of your eye that Max still looking at you. You turn and look at him and he turns and looks at the teacher quickly. Then you hear the bell ring so you jump up, grab your stuff and run out the door. Emily comes up to you and says "That was quite a show in there. I wonder if Max liked it?" she started to smile and you blushed. Then Max came up behind you and said "What did you want to tell me?" and you give Emily a look and she smiles and walks back to Megan who, of course is listening to every word. "Never mind." Max says "That was pretty funny. Passing notes on the first day of middle school. And um, why were you so surprised I was sitting next to you?" You look at him and start to say something but Justin interrupted you.

I guess he could hear us, too. I wonder where Joey is you think. Then you wave to Justin and Max and go back with Emily and Megan. Justin stops walking for a second, then pulls you away. "You're welcome" he says. You look confused. "Thanks, but for what?" And he says "I heard that you liked Max, and I know he has no clue." you smile and he continues "I knew he was going to ask you about why you were surprised he was sitting by you so I listened to you talking and cut in after he asked so he wouldn't figure it out." And you looked amazed. "Thank-you so much! You know about my crush? Wait, are you in my class?" He answers "Your welcome. Yes and yes."

Then he walks up to Max again, turns and smiles at you, then turns back. In gym class, you go and sit by Megan and Emily and Justin sits in front of you. Emily asks "Whats going on with you and Justin?" "Nothing" you say looking at Megan then at Justin. Max sits next to Justin and smiles at you and the girls. "What's up, ladies?" he asks. You laugh. "Hey. Niki, we didn't get to finish our conversation." Megan and Justin look at you. When you open your mouth, the gym teacher walks in. You think, what a save! You walk laps, do warm-ups and play basketball. Then before you know it, the bell rings for lunch. You sit next to Megan, Emily and Joey. There's three open seats so Steve, Justin & Max sit down. Megan tells them not to say anything about what they are around Emily cause she doesn't know and will freak out. Then, they do something you would never imagine.