Status: Completed one-shot.



Dark. Don't ask me what else it looked like, because once he started pulling me through the crowd I was utterly confused. I saw blackness, and the occasional glimmer of facial features. Yet it wasn't scary, and I knew I wasn't being kidnapped because I trusted him, and I had a feeling I knew where we were going. Our place.
It was simply what it was: our place, a magical place. Not so much a magical place, but a place where magic happened. There wasn’t much to it, just a grassy spot on the bank of the creek. I’d fallen in a few times, not that it usually had anything in there except for the snakes in the culverts. Just some rocks in a ditch where water probably should’ve been. Big deal with full sarcasm intended, right? Wrong. It was a big deal because this was special. It had been since we were young.
I was 12 and he was 13. I would be 13 in three more days, but then he’d be 14 eighteen more days after that. Nearly and entire year apart with absolutely nothing in common, other than the sense of regret that would follow if that night wasn’t memorable… which of course, it was.
“I’m so exhausted.” I tried to say, though I yawned clear through that sentence.
“Uh, could you run that by me again?” he replied. “It sounded like you said ‘Yime fro rosted.’” He laughed.
“Shut-up.” I snapped halfheartedly. I wouldn’t have punched him anyway, but as tired as I was I couldn’t, so I settled for tapping his arm with the back of my hand.
“Haha…” he continued laughing as he put his arm around me. Then he was suddenly serious. “Just chill for a while. You could use it.”
I couldn’t argue with that. Especially since having him that warm and close, his sweet smell almost knocking me out. Slowly, I relented and laid my head on his shoulder. It was a strange feeling, but not bad. It was amazing, feeling so little, so lithe, so loved. Shortly after I gave in, so did he, laying his head gently on top of mine. Weird. One minute I was about to hit him and then about 20 later we looked like we were going out. That’s when I began to notice him looking at everything but me.
“What are you looking at?” I whispered.
“Nothing, I swear!”
Rolling my eyes, I replied “Not like that. You’re looking everywhere but here.” And by that time he had already turned away again. I picked up my head again.
“Really? I hadn’t noticed…” but he was looking me straight in the eye has he said this, and I took a chance right then and there. Something I had never even done before. Something hadn’t even planned to do. I leaned in and so did he.
His touch was so light and warm and indescribable. It’s something you wish you could always remember, and you do but the memory and description don’t ever do a justice to the actual feeling. Then the warmth of his hand on the small of my back, electrifying. Feeling my fingers suddenly brush lightly across his cheek and neck on impulse, I knew right then it was magic.
“Magic, eh?” he said to me.
“Yep. Always has been.”
“You mean like this?” and as he leans in the magic begins all over again.
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Short story, people...