

Natalie Rae Brown
Age: 19
Location: Reno, Nevada
Summary: Natalie's mother died in childbirth, but her little brother is alive and healthy. Her father died of alcohol poisonning a week after her mother died, due to depression. She lives alone with her little brother and works for Mothers day out, so she gets free childcare, and enough money to live off of. Her parents were both disowned from their families, when they conceived Natalie, both age 16. Natalie has tried to get in contact with them, but they won't talk to her.
Brendon Urie
Age: 20
Location: Las Vegas, Nevada
Summary: Brendon's parents didn't approve of his decisions in life, so they kicked him out of the house. He was living in an apartment with his best friend Ryan Ross, making a living at the casinos.
Ryan Ross
Age: 21
Summary: Brendon Urie's best friend. He attended a semester at College, but dropped out.
William Beckett
Age: 18
Location: Reno, Nevada
Summary: He is Natalie's cousin on her dad's side. He isn't suposed to see her at all, because she is a "Mistake", but he secretly keeps her company, and helps her out.
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I have pictures of all my characters on quizilla..but I couldn't put them on here, cause I am still figuring out this mibba. If you want to know what they look like here, ya go.