

I slammed on the brakes, and then pushed the gas again, pulling to the side of the road. I swung open Nate's door, and grabbed him, slamming it back and turning on the car alarm to draw some attention. I had acted so quickly, that it took a while to register, there is a man in my car. He started to get out and I started running and when I turned back around, he was gone.

I panicked. Where'd he go? I slowly walked back to my car and turned off the alarm. I peeked inside, no one. I looked in the trunk. No one. He was just gone? I sighed and got back in, holding Nate on the way home. I drove a bit faster than I should have and sprinted to the door of the house. I was shaking and I knew it. I walked straight in.

"BRENDON!" I yelled, causing Nate to whine a bit. I was leaning back against the closed front door and reached over to lock it as he walked towards me confused.


"Black hair, squinty eyes, knife, pale, quick, tall." I cut him off, spurting out every adjective that described the man. His expression went blank, then worried.

"You saw him?" he whispered.

"He was-" I stopped and glanced out the window, "He was in my car. Right in the trunk, just staring." I said wide eyed.

"Listen up!" Ryan started stomping towards us. "I don-"

"Ryan, shut up." Brendon said holding up a hand.

"Is he still? What'd you do?" he asked quickly.

"No, no. He uhm. He got out when I did, then he was just...gone." I said quickly, running a hand through my hair.

"What's going on?" Ryan asked confused.

"Ryan, shut up." Brendon snapped again. I looked around nervously. How'd he get in my car? How'd he find Brendon?

"How'd he-" Brendon trailed off. I shook my head.

"I don't...I don't know."

"Will someone tell me what is going on!?" Ryan snapped.

"He found me." Brendon said letting it sink in.

"Why are we just standing here?! Call someone, or do something." Ryan said snapping us back into our right minds. For the most part, anyway.

"Who would we call, though?" I asked confused.

"I don't know. The police or something." Ryan said pulling out his phone. I kind of stood there, only shaking a little, I swear. I was nervously glancing around.

"Umm, yeah, my friend Brendon was being followed by this dude, so they put him in the Witness Protection Program and-" Ryan said quickly, before sighing heavily. It was then that I noticed the phone pressed against his ear.

"They put me on freaking hold!" he snapped.

"You were telling them my life story!" Brendon retorted.

"Oh, Hi." Ryan said quickly into the phone.

"Umm, I don't know.....yeah, sure." he said holding out the phone.

"It's that lady that talked to you from the Witness Protection Program." Ryan said to Brendon. He shrugged and took it.

"" he said then held it back out towards me. I looked at him confused before taking it.

"Hello?" I asked confused.

"Hi, Ms. Brown, is everything alright?" she asked calmy.

"N-not really." I said uneasy, still glancing around. I feel like he'll just show up somewhere.

"What's happened?" she asked, not in the sympathetic way, but in a let's-get-down-to-business way.

"Umm.." I trailed off not knowing exactly how to explain it.

---30 minutes later---

"Yeah, I kind of don't want to move." I laughed still leaning against the front door.

"What'd she say?" Ryan asked.

"They're sending someone named Zack over." I shrugged, causing Nate to shift.

"Now?" Brendon asked. I nodded glancing into the kitchen. I kind of want to sit down, but I'm a bit shaken up.

"C'mon." Brendon said as if he read my mind. He walked into the kitchen and sat down at the table. Ryan sat next to him and I moved Nate so he was more in front of me, to sit on my lap.

"What's with him?" Ryan asked quietly.

"He's been like this since he woke up." I shrugged.

"Screaming." Brendon threw in. I nodded.

"Well, what did yo-" Ryan was interrupted by knocking on the door. I jumped about 3 feet in the air and almost, almost, dropped Nate.

"That was fast." Brendon said glancing at the door nervously. I gulped and nodded. No one made a move for the door until Ryan sighed and stood up. He was at the door, still locked, and walked back.

"This guy is short, bald, wearing khaki shorts, with a tshirt." Ryan said. Me and Brendon both shook our heads.

"That's not him." Brendon said standing up and going to the door. He opened it, much to my silent protest. The guy walked right in silently, and seriously, we're like freaking sitting ducks here, just letting some random guy into our house. Our House?

I looked back up at the guy and noticed he was holding a black duffle bag over his shoulder.

"Okay. You won't leave this house without me. You won't even open that front door unless I am standing right there. Don't invite anyone over, without asking me first." he said. We were glancing nervously at eachother.

"Who ar-" Ryan couldn't get his sentence out, before the guy cut him off.

"I'm Zack Hall. You're Natalie, obviously, so that leaves Brendon, and Nate."

"I'm, uh, Brendon." Brendon scratched his head awkwardly.

"This is Nate," I said bouncing Nate.

"And?" Zack pointed to Ryan.

"Ryan." Ryan answered quickly.

"Okay, so you don't live here?" Zack asked. He shook his head 'no'.

"Then you should probably go home. Stay safe, though." he suggested. Ryan sighed.


"Yeah, now." Zack answered. None of us were going to protest, because Zack was slightly scary. Ryan just nodded and awkwardly waved before heading out. Zack locked the door behind him.


"'re staying here?" I cut him off. He nodded.

"What's the deal, though?" Brendon asked. We both looked at him confused.

"Like...what's gonna happen? This guy's in the area."

"I'll stay here, until we get him, then life can go back to how it used to be." he shrugged.

"I don't have another room, though." I said slowly.

"For safety purposes you guys need to share a room."

"I don't have another bed."


So, Brendon and I are now sharing my room...and my bed. :(

I don't want to share my bed. Hence the word my bed.

Not only that, but it's like being on lock down. We aren't allowed to leave the house?! I have work, what am I suposed to do?
♠ ♠ ♠
I've had this entire story mapped out from the beginning, and I saw The Haunting in Connecticut last night, and there was a part, just like this in the movie and I was like 'ah, now I'm gonna get freaked out when I write it', but oh well. DON'T GO SEE THE MOVIE!