


I groaned and stretched. It was still dark outside.


I groaned again and rolled over. There is someone in my bed. I muffled my scream and rolled off the other way. I heard someone else groan and let my eyes adjust before glancing up to see it was that wasn't a dream. Damn.


Nate started crying and I got up and pulled him out of his crib and into bed. I rubbed his back until he was asleep and soon followed.

I woke up and instantly glanced around for Nate. I chuckled when I saw him clinging to Brendon. I got up and went into the living room, not paying attention to the fact that the TV was on and falling onto the couch.

"Morning." I heard someone mumble. I looked up and saw Zack.

"What am I going to do about work?" I asked quickly.

"I talked to them, and you're excused until further notice." he shrugged. I sighed and closed my eyes. I had dozed off when I felt something -someone- being set in my lap. I shot up to see Brendon setting Nate down.

"Listen." he started then glanced over and saw Zack. He turned and left. I ignored and let him. Zack got up not long after handing me the remote and going into his room. I turned it to Handy Manny and zoned out. It felt like 10 minutes, but it had clearly been atleast 2 hours seeing as 4 shows have passed when Brendon wondered back in eyes red and cheeks tear stained.

"I'm sorry." he whispered hoarsely holding out the familiar black photo album. I stared at it for a long time and he slowly set it down next to me. Nate slid off my lap and pulled on Brendon's hand, whining when Brendon ignored him. We stared at eachother for a long time.

"Where is he?" he asked quietly. I shook my head and got up.

"Why do you always run? You can't keep everything a secret." he said in the same hushed voice. I looked back at him for a second before walking again.

"Wait." he said desperatly. I stopped and turned to look at him.

"I just want to know." he said even quieter. I turned and walked opening the door to my bedroom. I looked back and he was looking at the ground. I cleared my throat and he looked up confused before getting the hint and following. I closed the door as he plopped on the bed.

"Is he..." Brendon trailed off. I nodded quickly.

"He's alive." I whispered.

"Do you want to go see him?" he asked. I shook my head quickly again, but this time it was a no.

"I can't." I mumbled.

"Why not?"

"It's my fault. I shouldn't have let him drive."

"Tell me." Brendon said quickly. I took a deep breath and blocked the tears threatening to spill.

"I was really stressed right when mom got pregnant with Nate. He came over and insisted we go to the movies. He gets sick when he sees people in pain or anything like that, so he passed out. He was fine, but he had apparently hit his head. We headed home and he drove. He blacked out behind the wheel and we hit a tree. He never woke up. They put him on life support and he's still alive, but if he doesn't wake up within a year or if his parents want to they'll..." I took a deep breath and held it.

"Pull the plug." I finished. I turned to leave.

"Wait." Brendon said one last time, not desperatly. I stopped and felt a pair of arms wrap around me. When he was about to let go I hugged him back and put my head in his shoulder. I'm not giving him false hints or signs, he just smells really Goddamn good! Wait...what?

I was holding my breath trying to not let any tears spill. Then he just..let go. He left the room quietly and I stood there confused. Maybe this is how he feels when I walk away.

I heard someone knock on the door and ran to get it, but ran into Zack.

"Did you invite someone over?" he asked.

"No." I shrugged trying to walk around him.

"Then we don't let them in." he answered.

"It's probably Bill, atleast look!" I snapped. He shook his head and turned to go back to his room. I tip toed to the door and looked out, Bill and some girl I didn't recognize. I opened the door quietly and held my finger to my mouth, motioning for them to come in. They did and I shut the door pulling them into the living room.

"Hi." I whispered. Nate blew our cover, squealing and latching onto Bill. Then Bill laughed and Zack came in the room.

"I told you guys no visitors!" he snapped. Bill looked at me confused and scared.

"We're on lockdown.." I shrugged. He furrowed his eyebrows, but shrugged it off before scooping up Nate and blowing on his tummy.

The girl next to him laughed. She hat short dark brown hair, and was sporting the 'emo' style. I smirked. This has to be Kayla.

"Kayla?" I questioned aloud. She blushed before looking at Bill and then towards me and nodding.

"I'm Natalie." I smirked shaking her hand. She nodded.

"This is Brendon." I introduced motioning to Brendon who was on the couch.

"Oh, your boyfriend?" she asked immediatly. I was about to protest when Bill cut in.

"Yup. It'll be four years in May."

I looked at him disbelieving.