

"I know, I know. You don't like to flaunt your relationship, so we'll keep it on the DL." he winked. I looked back at Brendon who wasn't really paying attention. I decided to change the subject.
"Bill, something is going on with the house."
"Like..?" he trailed off.
"I don't know. Noises, shadows, the ice maker goes off randomly." I shrugged.
"Oh, no.." Kayla said wide eyed, "Next thing you'll open your pantry and Joan Rivers will pop out!"
We all started laughing.
"No, seriously." I said catching my breath. Bill shrugged.
"Don't ask me."
"You guys need to go." Zack said. I pouted in Zack's direction.
"O~kay." Bill said slowly putting Nate down, much to his protest.
"Bye, Bill." I said annoyed. He gave me a hug and I turned to Kayla.
"Nice to finally meet you." I smiled.
"You, too."
"See ya, Brendon." Bill called on his way out the door. Brendon muttered a 'bye'.
"Okay, no visitors. Period." Zack said firmly.
"Why?! Are you just trying to torture us?!" I whined.
"No, it's dangerous. Just listen, cool?" he snapped before walking away. I rolled my eyes and looked at Brendon. He was staring at the ground and biting his lip. He looked like he was thinking.

"I'm gonna..." I trailed off walking into the kitchen. I opened the pantry and...HA no Joan Rivers. I grabbed a little fruit cup of mandarin oranges and peeled the wrapper on the top back, leaving the pantry door open. I ate it, leaning against the sink. I was throwing the trash away, when the pantry door was slammed close. I snapped my head up and no one was there. I was a little creeped out so I went out the other entrance to the kitchen and into the living room, curling up on the other couch and watching Nate play in the floor. Brendon was still thinking.

"So, about the other night." he suddenly looked up.

"When?" I asked furrowing my eyebrows. Psh. Like I don't know.

"You know when." he said rolling his eyes. I shrugged.

"What about it?"

"I'm sorry I-" he started then furrowed his eyebrows and looked at the ground, sighing, "No. I'm not sorry. Nevermind." he said quickly standing up and going into my...our room. I groaned and fell back onto the couch.

"Up!" Nate came over pulling on my hand. I slid off the couch and onto the floor next to his blocks. He likes to build something really tall, then knock it over.

We proceeded to do that about 6 times when I heard Brendon.

"No, Ryan! You don't understand!"


"Of course! That's what I was going to do, but I found out something."


"About Adam."


"No, he wasn't a girl! This is fucking serious, Ryan!"


"Okay. Adam's in a coma."


"I know."

"Ryan, that's ridiculous-"








"Fine, fine."

I tuned him out after that. Nothing important.

---Brendon's POV---

I got up and went into my room, pulling out my cellphone and calling Ryan.

"Hey!" he answered happily.

"Hey, listen-"

"Oh, did something else happen?!" he gasped.

"No, Ryan! You don't understand!" I cut him off.

"Well, weren't you just going to keep trying until she accepted the fact that she likes you?"

"Of course! That's what I was going to do, but I found out something."

"Oh, no...she's not a guy is she?! Wait, what's it about?"

"About Adam."

"Oh, no...he wasn't a chick was he?!"

"No, he wasn't a girl! This is fucking serious, Ryan!"

"Sorry. Okay, I'm listening."

"Okay. Adam's in a coma."


"I know."

"Well, keep to the plan."

"Ryan, that's ridiculous-"

"Is she going to see him?"


"Did she admit she likes you?"


"Then what's the problem?"


"There isn't one. Stick to the plan."

"Fine, fine." I sighed.

"So that's it?" he asked.

"Not quite. We're not allowed to do anything except sit in the house and eat and stuff."

"That's not bad. More time to put plan 'Seduce Natalie' to action."

"Oh, God. You named it?!" I asked incredulously.

"Every good plan needs a name." he shrugged.

"That's a horrible name! I'm not seducing her." I snapped.

"Close enough." he said and I could practically hear the shrug that went along with it.

"Well, I'm going, bye."


I hung up and went back into the living room.

"I'm oddly tired." I said sitting on the couch.

"Me, too. I think I'm taking a nap while Nate takes his." she said.

"Me, too." I said. She gave me a weird look, but shrugged it off and glanced at the clock before picking Nate up and taking him into her room. I waited about 10 minutes and went in there. She was just laying down and I could hear Nate's breathing. I smirked before pulling off my socks and sliding in the other side of the bed. She rolled over.

"What are you doing?"

"Taking a nap." I said closing my eyes. She didn't say anything after that, and I fell asleep.

---Natalie's POV---

"What are you doing?" I asked slowly.

"Taking a nap." he said closing his eyes. I rolled my eyes and turned over as far away from him as possible. I was about to say something else, but I closed my mouth and went to sleep.