

I woke up glad to see that Natalie was still asleep. I scooted until I was pressed up against her, so I was spooning her, before putting my face in the back of her neck and closing my eyes. I dozed off again.

---Natalie's POV---

I woke up and felt extremely warm. I shivered as hot breath ran down my neck and an arm around my waist. I slid out of the grasp and looked down at Brendon. Damn.
Nate was laying in his crib awake and stood up when he saw me. I sighed before scooping him up and going into the living room. Zack was on the couch.

"Can someone puh-lease, come over?" I whined.

"No." he said not even sparing me a glance.

"Why? You're here, you know where this killer guy is!"

"Yes, I am, and no we don't. If he is near though, he could easily kill any one of your friends."

I gulped, "N-no he couldn't."

"Yeah, he could." Zack argued.

I slowly sat down on the couch when I heard the familiar creek of the floor in the hallway and Brendon came in. I ignored him until I felt him sit down right next to me and could feel the heat radiating off his body.

"What's up?" he asked casually.

"Boredom." I mumbled.

"There has to be something to do."

"Nope. Not unless you want to play the Nintendo 64 I have somewhere in my closet."

"Oh my God, Yes." he said instantly. I looked over at him to see if there was any hint of sarcasm only to turn bright red when he was sitting there shirtless. Fucking shirtless. Who does that?! Seriously.

"I'll, uh, get it."

I all but sprinted to my room and into my closet, quickly spotting the cardboard box containing the game system, controllers, and games. As I was pulling it off the shelf, the light bulb went out. I ignored the fear and quickly moved to the door, feeling blindly for the doorknob and yanking it open. Note to Self: Don't close the door when I enter the closet.

“Here.” I said holding up the black device before walking over to the TV to hook it up. It was easy to do and I headed back to my closet to get the box of controllers and games. I came back and Nate was pulling on the cords.

“No, Nate.” I said picking him up and moving him to the middle of the toys he’d dragged out.

“You have Diddy Kong Racing!” Brendon said excitedly pulling the games out of the box one by one.

“No, you’re imagining that.” I mumbled. I didn’t have to look to know he’d rolled his eyes.

“Oh, Mario, kinky.” I turned to see his expression and he was smirking and bouncing his eyebrows. I squinted at him before sighing and making sure the system still worked. Gosh, why is there nothing to do? It’s not like I didn’t-

“Fuck!” I swore loudly jumping up and running to get my laptop. I forgot about school. I opened it and prayed that there wasn’t too much to catch up. One paper to write that was assigned yesterday and the usual lectures and such.

“What’s up?” Brendon asked casually strutting into the kitchen. Is it even legal for him to wear his pants that low and walk like that?

“School, just ask Zack to play Mario with you or something.” I offered. He pouted before his shoulders slumped, and he headed back into the living room.

I grabbed a pair of ear buds and took the laptop into the living room sitting on the couch. Nate started dancing around to the music on Mario Kart 64. Zack grabbed a controller and they had to sit on the floor, because the controllers couldn’t reach all the way to the couch.

Two hours and 4 different video games later, I was finished.

“So, dinner.” I mumbled standing up and stretching, “What do you guys want?”

“I’m fine with anything.” Zack excused.

“Hmm,” Brendon stroked his chin glancing at me and pursing his lips, the sight may have been adorable, “You know what I’ve been craving?” he asked excitedly.



I glanced at Zack who’s expression didn’t change.

“Okay, then.” I shrugged heading into the kitchen. I micro waved a few cans of it and found some frozen breadsticks in the freezer. Nate walked in a few minutes after I put them in the oven.

“Jui.” He whined hitting his hand against the fridge.

“Hold on.” I told him holding up one finger. He started whining until I walked over and opened the fridge, pulling out some orange juice and pouring it into his Sippy cup.

“Here.” I told him holding it out. He grabbed it and ran out of the kitchen. I sighed before checking the breadsticks.


“Guys, I’m gonna go on a grocery run. Stay in the house. Brendon has my number if anything happens.” Zack said. I nodded looking bored as I flipped through some TV channels.

“Seriously, don’t leave.” He said before exiting the house.

“So,” Brendon started plopping down next to me, “it’s just you and me here.” He sighed.

“And Nate.” I mumbled.

“He’s asleep.”

“Mhm.” I mumbled.

“What’do’ya want to do?” he asked. I shrugged before getting up and heading towards the front door.

“Where are you going?” he called. I ignored him unlocked and opened it.

“Don’t go outside!” he yelled frantically.

“Why?” I groaned before sticking one foot out the door. I wasn’t even all the way out the door before I heard a gunshot and there was a really bad pain in my right shoulder. My head started to hurt, too, and I realized I’d slammed backwards into the door frame.

“Fuck.” I breathed out, instinctively reaching up to grab my shoulder. I felt warm liquid and looked down to see blood all over my arm. Before I could register what was going on I was being pulled back through the door and it was slammed shut.

“Oh shit, oh shit, oh shit.” Brendon said wide eyed looking at my arm.

“What jus’ happened?” I slurred out breathlessly.

“I don’t know.” He whispered, when the lights went out. Well, fuck. We heard a loud bang and Brendon put a hand over my mouth, signaling I stay quiet before we were both quietly going down the hallway. He pushed open the door where Nate was sleeping and tip toed to the bed. He turned around quickly.

“He’s not here.”

“What?!” I yelled hoarsely.

“Shush.” He snapped, “He probably just climbed out, right?”

“He can’t climb out.” I whispered.

“Should I-” He was interrupted by a loud boom in the hallway. I headed towards the door,

“What are you doing?!” he whispered.

“What if that was Nate? What if he has Nate?!” I asked frantically.

“No.” he said shaking his head. I ignored him and opened the door cautiously looking around before I spotted someone at the end of the hall, not moving. I pulled my head back in right as I heard another gunshot. Brendon ran over and locked the door; he had the phone to his ear and pulled me away from it.

“Zack, come back. Now.” He snapped into the phone.

“No, Natalie got shot and Nate is missing.” He said muttering another ‘oh fuck’ under his breath.

“Calm?!“ he yelled, “How am I-” he was cut off by someone banging into the door, “Zack, I have to go, they’re right outside the door, get here, now.” He said before hanging up and pulling the blinds up on the window and unlocking it.

“What are we doing?!” I whispered frantically, slowly, growing tired.

“Out, out, out.” He said pulling me towards the now open window.
♠ ♠ ♠
Ooh. Drama, action, Suspense.
AND a cliffhanger!