

I hurried over to the window and was about to get out when I chanced a glance at the door.

“Out!” Brendon repeated giving me a small shove. I slid out of the window and my feet hit the ground. He was out soon after me and pushed the window shut. I turned towards the street before everything started to spin and I hit the ground. I was conscious just long enough to hear sirens before everything went black.


I watched in horror as Natalie fell. I heard the front door open and slam. I turned to see him. He had Nate in front of him and glanced over at me. I was stuck in place. I could see his gun from here, I had nothing on me, if I ran he’ll just kill Natalie, if I don’t he’ll kill both of us. I lunged at him before thinking of anything better to do. I successfully knocked him to the ground as the gun went off in a random direction. Nate was luckily fine, he was crying from hitting the ground. I blindly threw some punches until his knee came in contact with my dick. I groaned and quickly curled up until I felt an even worse pain in my side, right above my hip.

I quickly took in a breath and uncurled, trying to get some more punches in. He had the advantage and quickly got his share of punches in, which is unfortunate, because damn his punches hurt. I slowly felt the energy draining, but luckily the sirens sounded feet away. I tried to turn my head and get a look, but right as I did the side of my face was slammed into the concrete. My eyes went wide and it hurt harder when I produced a sound. The weight was gone and I heard a few gunshots. When I chanced a look the police had him. Someone kneeled over me and told me not to move. Then they were lifting me up and putting me on something much softer.

“Jus’ put m’t’sleep.” I mumbled through the pain. Right now, being unconscious sounded pretty good.

“No, no, stay awake for me, just a little longer.” The lady said. I groaned and she laughed a little muttering an ‘I know’. It felt like eternity as she put the IV in and did all the necessary stuff.

“Here we go, just count to 5.” She said placing a plastic thing over my face. Finally.


I woke up and looked around expecting to see Brendon. To my surprise he wasn’t here, but as I glanced at the window I did see a very familiar shape by the window.

“BILL!” I screeched, but it sounded horrible, not near anywhere what I expected. I made a face at my own voice as he got up and made his way over.

“Goodmorning.” He smiled. I squeezed my eyes shut after a second.

“What?” he laughed.

“What’s the damage?” I asked hesitantly.

“Umm, well, you probably won’t be able to use your right arm for a while.” He said slowly. I opened my eyes and peered down at my arm. My shoulder was wrapped up and I looked at him wide eyed, remembering.

“Dude, that fucking hurt, like seriously, I was all ‘holy shit’ and then Brendon was all ‘holy shit’ and then it star- Oh my God, where’s Nate?!”

“He’s fine. The guys have him out in the lobby.” He answered cooly.

“How many people can I have in here?” I asked.

“Umm, I don’t know. Let’s say as many as you want?” he shrugged.

“Bill, I haven’t seen them in forever, go get them.” I said quickly. He laughed before exiting the room. About 5 minutes later they came in. Nate squealed and came over to the side of the bed.

“Up.” He whined pulling on my hand.

“Natalie has to stay there.” Bill said picking him up. I patted my lap and Bill set him down.

“So, this was…ironic.” Spencer said.

“Totally.” I laughed looking around. I heard someone’s stomach growl. Who’s? I’m not so sure.

“We’re gonna go get some food. Who wants to come with us?” Pete said pulling Spencer with him to the door.

“We will!” Amanda said grabbing Hana’s arm.

“Bring me back something!” I said quickly.

“Will do!” Hana called waving.

“Wait, where’s Brendon and Ryan?” I asked after they left.

“Brendon is with Ryan.” Zack said.

“So why aren’t they in here?” I asked confused as.

“No.” I said as realization hit.

“No, no, no. How bad is it?”


“It’s not fatal is it? Oh, God, he’s going to die. No, why-”

“He’s living. He’s going to live.” Zack interrupted me.

“Well, is he conscious, is he-”

“Why don’t you just ask to see him?” Bill offered.

“Could I?” I asked hopefully.

“I don’t know.” He shrugged. I pressed the little red button for the nurse and she came in soon after that. Nate was asleep on my stomach by the time she came in and I realized, he didn’t get much –if any- sleep last night.

“Hey, can I like, get up and stuff?” I asked. She bit her lip before glancing at me.

“It’s only your shoulder?”

“Yeah.” I said quickly.

“Okay, just don’t do anything to that arm, at all, seriously.”

“Okay.” I said quickly. She nodded and left.

“I think she meant you could just walk around the room.” Bill said cautiously.

“Oh, well.” I shrugged as he picked up Nate. I was still hooked up to an IV and I sighed, I was going to be one of those creepy people that you walk around in the hospital hallways, because of the IV bag and thingy.

I flung my legs over the edge of the bed and Bill and Zack walked with me as I made my way to the door.

“What room?” I asked them.

“352” Zack answered. I nodded and walked out the door. The tile was cold under my little footies, but I ignored it as I looked at the numbers.

“352.” I mumbled as I got there. I gave a small knock on the door before opening it carefully.

“Well, hey.” Ryan said quietly. I gave a small wave, pulling on the little thing with the IV, “They let you come in here?” he asked.

“I don’t really know.” I shrugged. He laughed. I glanced nervously at the bed where Brendon was peacefully sleeping. Too bad, he didn’t look peaceful. It was an oxymoron in itself. There were bruises and the right side of his face was a bit cut up.

“Has he um, has he woken up at all?” I asked averting my gaze to Ryan.

“About an hour ago when they gave him so more medicine he woke up, but he was a bit loopy.” Ryan laughed weakly.

“Did he say anything?” I asked.

Ryan cleared his throat, “He said something along the lines of ‘Oh, my God, you’re Ryan. I lived with you for a while, yeah, I know you, Ryan, right?’ and he pretty much just rambled on about the fact that my name was Ryan and he knew me.” He shrugged. I laughed a little, before glancing at the door nervously.

“Should you go back?” he asked.

“Maybe, I mean, I’ll come back, you can text Bill or someone. Oh, they went on a food run, did you want anything?” I asked quickly.

“They came in here and asked me what I wanted.” He said quickly. I nodded.

“Well, just uhm, let me know, yeah?” I said gesturing towards Brendon.

“Sure. See you.” He said quietly.

“Bye.” I muttered stepping out the door. I glanced down the very familiar hallway and my body went into Auto-pilot, my feet taking me where I least wanted to know. I stopped just outside the door, my fingers reaching for the handle. I turned it and stepped inside quickly.
♠ ♠ ♠
I want some potato chips...