

I gasped at what I saw. My eyes immediately flew to the tray of half eaten food on the table next to the bed and the way Adam was now in a sitting position opposed to flat on his back.

He also didn’t have an oxygen mask on or tubes down his throat. I stared for a few moments before I noticed sound and turned to see the TV on behind me. Wait, what?

I slowly made my way over to a chair near the bed and fell into it staring at the boy in front of me. His scars were faded, his hair was way longer and he looked…alive.

That was the only way of describing it.

I don’t know how long I’d sat in there before his light snoring stopped and he stretched –eyes still closed. I glanced at the door, which was so far away, and didn’t even have time to move when his eyes shot open. He glanced over at me and his expression didn’t change. He just sighed and stared at my face for a second longer before his eyes drifted to my shoulder.

“That’s new.” He mumbled.

“Adam.” I whispered and I didn’t realize I was crying until I felt the wetness on my face. He glanced around, from the TV, to me, himself, and back.

“This isn’t a dream.” He whispered, realization hitting.

“No, it’s not.” I whispered back, feeling like if I talked any louder everything would shadder.

“Where have you been?!” he yelled. I looked at him wide eyed. Moment gone. He broke into a coughing fit and took some deep breaths.

“I was scared.” I sighed finally, “When did you wake up?”

“About 2 weeks ago.” He said coughing again.

“Why aren’t you home?”

“I’m in critical condition. I don’t have too long.” He said voice going hoarse. I’m not quite sure who initiated it, but before I knew it, we were clinging to each other for dear life. We cried, until there were no more tears, just sniffles here and there. Finally he pulled back and wiped his cheeks with the back of his hand.

“Where’s my son?”

My heart dropped into my stomach at those three words.

“He’s, uhm, he’s with Bill.”

“Who’s Bill?” he asked instantly.

“No, he’s nobody, he’s not important, he’s just my cousin.” I filled him in quickly.

“What about your little sister?”

“She didn’t make it. Neither did Mom.” I whispered.

“What? But, what about,” he swallowed, which resulted in a small cough, “What about my son, what about Nathan?”

I smiled, “He’s fine.”

“So how’s your dad holding up?”

“He died not long after.”

“No. No, no, no. This has to be a dream.” He sniffed.

“It isn’t.” I laughed, though there wasn’t anything funny about this and it came out as a high pitched squeak.

“Can I see my son?” he asked again, quietly.

“Maybe not today, but definitely soon.” I reassured.

“Why not to-” as if on que the little ‘click’ signaling the intercom sounded and a voice came over it.

‘If Natalie Brown is in the building would she kindly report to room 364? Natalie Brown.’ The lady repeated. I looked at Adam sadly and was standing up when he pulled me back down and kissed me. Gosh, it felt like second nature.

“I love you.” He whispered as I got up.

“I love you, too.” I managed to say, wiping under my cheeks and heading back to my room.

The wheels on the little thing holding the IV bag squeaked through the silent hallway. I made it into my room and two nurses immediately were by my side.
♠ ♠ ♠
Natalie has a son? Is it Nate?
OMGEE! What's going to happen?!
I've postponed this for way too long, sorry, guys, but here it is.
I'm going to go watch 'No Reservations'!
I finally rented it and I love it as much as I knew I would!